The Date~Part Two

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Bella's POV~

"How is it that you haven't been here before, your like....." He pauses.
"How old are you again??"

"My boyfriend doesn't know how old I am." I give him a look of mock hurt.
"18." I state with a giggle.

"Young, but legal." He grins and I role my eyes.

"What about you??" I question.

"We've been through this, im over a thousand years old." I nod.

"Right." I then gasp.
"Im dating an old man, I guess I really do have a weird type." He laughs.

"If it helps, I was turned at the age of 25." He says as he grabs his menu.

"What are you getting??" He questions.

"Umm let's see, this is Red Lobster, how about a lobster." I say and he looks up giving me a look as if to say 'really' but smiles afterwards.

I pick up my menu and look through it.
"Crab." I state with a cheeky smile after a small moment of silence.

"Excuse me." Klaus looks up and we both sit our menu's down.

"I want some crab." I say as the waiter comes and he nods.

The night goes by pretty fast after that filled with smiles and laughter, getting to know one another, overall an amazing first date.


"Best first date ever." I say as I put on the seatbelt.

"How many have you been on??" He questions pulling out of the parking lot.

"Well only one, it was a bit awkward though and there weren't many after that." I whisper.

"Well trust me when I say that this isn't going to be our last." He grabs my hand and kisses it, I smile at the gesture and the thought of more dates.

"When you going to Forks??" He questions.

"Few days." I state and he nods.

"Im going with you." He says and my smile widens.
"I mean who wouldn't want to meet all of this, your father included." He smirks and I laugh.

"God, I love you." I say but freeze as soon as the words register in my mind. I mentally slap myself.

Too soon Bella, too soon.

I don't regret feeling how I do, I just regret speaking it out loud. I mean yes, I did begin to love Klaus in this short amount of time, it's possible but I don't know if he feels the same way, stupid Bella.

He tenses up before dropping my hand and gripping the steering wheel, tightly, there's my answer.

"Klaus." I sigh not really knowing what to say.

"You don't love me." He shakes his head.

"I do." I tell him but regret saying it when his fist slams against the steering wheel causing me to flinch.

Should've just lied Bella.

I could've lied and played it off as a slip, caught up in the moment or something but no, he would've found out I love him eventually. This may have just been to soon though.

"You can't." He snarls.
"Love is a weakness, you don't love me and I don't love you. It stays that way Bella, nothing past the like stage." My jaw clenches.

"So where exactly is this relationship supposed to go??" I question angrily.

"That's what im trying to tell you, it stays where it is, nothing past this." His voice rises as he motions between us.

"I don't understand." I shake my head.

"Let me sum it up for you." He growls.
"I don't love you and I never will, it stays that way!!" He yells.

Hurt and emotional pain flow through me as I turn my gaze to the window.

It doesn't hurt that he doesn't love me more so the fact that he never will. I mean sure I guess I didn't really expect him to but deep down I did have that small amount of hope that someday he would. I hoped that our relationship would go further, past the like stage. I guess it really is to much to ask for, love.

I sure can fall in love in this world but the feeling never seems to be mutual, I should've kept my mouth shut or lied when I had the chance.

I bite my lip as tears begin to slide town my face, I refuse to let him hear me cry from his rejection. I sure do have a way of getting myself into situations like this, with vampires. Maybe if I would've just went for a human, someone who I would actually feel good enough for.

The car ride is silent after that but for once the silence is uncomfortable.




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