Playful Day

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Bella's POV~

We finished the movies about an hour ago and now we are just talking about random things because we are extremely bored.Still in the same position.

"Ok,whats something you love about me?"He asks.

"Um..your funny."I say.

"And..."He pushes.

"Alot."I say smiling up at him from his lap.

"Im funny alot."He repeats.
"What about how good looking I am?"He asks.

"You see thats exactly what I mean when I say your funny."I say and then start laughing as I see a frown form on his face.

"Come on,lets have dinner."He says.

"Um..ok."I say getting off of his lap and heading to the kitchen,him following soon after.

Once I reach the kitchen I take a seat at the table and in less than 2 minutes there is dinner in front of me with Klaus sitting across from me.

"Arent you gonna eat?"I ask looking down at the baked chicken and mashed potatoes with mac and cheese.He just shakes his head.

"Ok,give me your best pick up line."He suddenly says as I put a fork full of potatoes in my mouth and swallow it.

"What?"I asks,giggling and having another bite.

"Come on,I want to see how you approach guys."He says smiling.

"I dont."I say finishing off the potatoes and going to the mac and cheese.

"Give me your worst."He says.

"Umm..ok."I say.
"Did you fart,because you blew me away."I say and he begins to laugh.

"Man,you really gave me your worst."He says as I finish my mac and cheese.

"Your turn,give me your worst."I say moving on to my chicken.

"Ok."He says.
"When you kiss someone you burn 2.6 calories,wanna burn some calories sometime."He says winking at me.

"You trying to call me fat Klaus?"I question with mock hurt.

"No,now you go."He says,smiling.

"My love for you is like Diarrhea,I just cant hold it in."I say.

"Gross,how do you eat and think about these things."He says and I just laugh.

"Go."Is all I say back.

"Is your body from Mc.Donalds,because im loving it."He says and I laugh finishing my chicken.

"Man,we are truly bad at this."I say as he picks up my plate and goes to put it in the sink.

"Tell me about it."He says as he gets back.

We soon leave out of the livingroom and go to the room,laying in the bed after changing clothes.

"So,what to talk about."I say once we are comfortable in each others arms.

"Idk."He says yawning,blowing his hot breath in my face.

"Gross,your breath is hot."I say and he just chuckles before falling asleep.

I sigh as I realize im up all by myself but then I have an idea.I slip out of his embrace and rush to the livingroom finding a sharpie on the table.I smile evilly as I rush back to the room.

I crawl on the bed carefully and I take the cap off of the sharpie.I then start to draw several things on his face such as my name in bubble letters,hearts and I colored in his lips to make it look like black lipstick plus I colored in his eyebrows to make them look thinner.I then put away the the sharpie,kiss his forehead and lay back down going to sleep.





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