Father, Part One

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A/N~just a warning: please don't sexualize the word daddy if it's a little kid saying it please and thanks in advance

Also!!! This oneshot will be from a bit of a different perspective. Idk what motivated me to do so, but I ended up writing a LOT of it and I actually quite like the way it turned out. I hope you guys like it too :3

Father, Part One

It was not my idea to have a child. I was intently focused on my job as a writer, and if it had not been for my new husband's persistence, it would have never crossed my mind.

It all started one fateful day in February, when my husband, Erwin, on our two-year anniversary, made quite a presumptuous suggestion.

"How would you feel if," he began, pressing the tips of his fingers together in anticipation, "I found a surrogate mother to carry a child for us?"

I sputtered and choked on the food I was chewing. "What?" I laughed. "Erwin...we don't have time for kids."

"Sure we do!" the blonde man insisted. "You'll be at home. And besides, I don't want kids, plural, but...one would be nice."

I sighed, putting down my fork and knife. "Listen, Erwin...I just don't think it's the best idea right now. Okay? You're twenty-eight, there's still plenty of time to have a kid in the next couple of years."

Erwin was sulking for the rest of the evening, but I just rolled my eyes and waved him off whenever he tried to sway me. I would not be swayed. I didn't want children, and that was final.

However, the blonde pressed on. Everytime we passed a baby in public, he went out of his way to interact with the family, asking questions and playing with their kid. I just stood off to the side, refusing to give in. He would call me into the living room when diaper commercials came on just to tell me how cute the babies were, and he sent constant streams of articles my way by email, trying to convince me of how beneficial having a child was on a relationship. A month into this, I caved, just wanting it to stop. "Okay," I agreed. "We'll have a kid."

A nice lady named Hange agreed to be our surrogate. She was a quirky, outgoing biochemist who did not particularly want kids of her own, but was willing to carry a child for the benefit of another. "But I do want to get to know the kid," she stated, when we made the agreement that March. "If they're half my spawn, I get to see them whenever I want, okay?"

Erwin was delighted with things. "So, it's settled!" I was not nearly as enthusiastic as he was, but I did have to admit that it could be fun, raising a child. Maybe it would be a learning experience for myself, too.

Our time during Hange's pregnancy was spent reading up on parenting books and searching for baby names. She worked all the while, and we took her to her appointments dutifully. It was on a rainy day in November, a month before our child was due, and we were at lunch with her, when the lady doubled over in the middle of the restaurant, groaning. "Uh...it appears that I may be going into labor," she said, as calmly as one could.

Our son was born five pounds and three ounces, which was perfectly healthy, just tiny. His name was Armin, and he was fair-skinned, with a blonde wisp of hair, and bright cerulean eyes that matched his father's. Erwin wept with joy upon holding him and seeing him for the first time. When he was passed to me, I cradled him in careful arms, studying his round face and peaceful expression. He was beautiful, more beautiful than I ever could have imagined, breathing soft and eyes trained on me in wonder, and it was in that moment that I truly became his father.

Hange spent some time with us to care for him, and though he was not at all a fussy baby, he did have his moments during the night where he needed attention, and so we took shifts as to who would deal with him. In the end, Hange's help was a lifesaver. She was naturally good with him, despite her "non-motherly tendencies," as she called them. She rocked him and changed him and breastfed him, and did a damn good job with all of it. Each day caring for him was exhausting, but we were happy. Despite my initial protests, I was truly content with having a new human in my life.

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