Beyond the Dawn

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There's something about the water that speaks to me,

As if the millions of whispered syllables gone unheard,

Are rising from their prison in these sapphire depths,

To reveal their ancient cries to the unfaltering moon.

"Save me, my love,

For the shadows of your teardrops still keep me from living.

Help me,

For the ocean of the pain I've caused you,

Is so near to engulfing this lonely coastline."

"Breath into me, my love, the air I cannot reach,

For the destined path I've followed so devoutly,

Has led me into the depths of poseidon himself,

Where my lungs burn with the cold embrace of the water,

And my tongue sizzles with the words I will never say."

"Cast aside all your useless judgements!

For these anchors chained to my ankles weigh me down enough.

I compose novels in my head, my love,

Precious words that will never see the light of anything brighter, 

Than this ever-monotonous midnight moonlight,

That so jealously eclipses my sanity."

"And when you come rowing over my waterlogged corpse,

One distant Sunday morn,

As the indigo waves lap a gentle sonata against the abandoned shore,

And the voice of the wind serenades you with a tender tune,

Know that the mirage of colors you see,

Peeking over the so hazy horizon that morning,

Is none other than the sun's first rise in 20 years."

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