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I shalt not live my life in parenthesis,

Fading into a mere shadow of cynicism,

A sarcastic thought brandished in the mind,

But contorted into a meager echo of what once it was,

By the tongue's evil censor.

Cast off thy shroud of doubt, m'lady,

Being clouded by the fog of a thousand breaths,

Letting one's mind be berated by the screams of a thousand dead men,

And one's eyes veiled by the crystalline mirage of their ghosts,

Is a quick way to Hell, indeed.

Don't make me follow thou into that pit of fire, my love.

If my heart desired the tempestuous rage of a sparkling flame,

I'd need look no further than thy sun-blushed tresses in the autumn Sun.

If I sought to dwell in a blissful realm with you forevermore,

I'd need do nothing more than slit my own throat with my fingernail,

A worthy sacrifice, indeed, to hear your mellifluous voice again.

For this is the new evolution; don't deny it!

And what is death but a grand denouement to life?

A last howl out to the fading crescent moon.

And what is anger but a sublimity?

A haughty retort to God's final decree of thy sentience.

For without love, anger could not exist,

And if an utterance of grief is wrong,

If a scream of restitution,

After being stripped of my heart's most beloved,

Is a sin,

Why, then cast me down to where Satan dwells this instant!

But who would have thought,

That such pale skin,

Could be so well-met by the moonlight?

But who would have imagined,

That such a tragic death,

Dealt by my own dagger,

And wielded by her own delicate hand,

Could be such a romantic occurrence?

And who would have thought,

That the Apothecary's poison,

Would taste the same as ambrosia,

The same as her candied-apple lips.

Who would have thought,

That thus,

With a kiss,

I'd die?


Based on the prompt, "the beauty amidst the falling ash," given to me by the awesome poet RyanBH. He and I have a collaborated poetry collection called "A Dream Within A Dream", in which we write poems based on prompts from the audience. I encourage you to check it out, as well as his own collection "An Assortment of Thought." There are so many wonderful pieces there that will inspire even the most stubborn of souls. :)

In My Mind's EyeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz