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I can't get out of my head,

The image of Mother in her apron,

The way she'd shuffle in her slippers,

Across the glossy kitchen tiles.

And I'd always marvel at how,

What with all the passionate stirring and whisking she does,

How her arms were still as delicate as an orchid's stem.

I can't get out of my nose,

The scent of freshly baked cookies,

Cooked just to gooey perfection,

The way they'd melt against my tongue,

And stick for hours in my teeth.

And I could never help but wonder,

How chocolate became the universal cure for anger,

And why none of the presidents, ministers, or kings,

Ever used it to end wars.

After all these years, I can't seem to forget,

Strawberry picking season.

The way the speckled seeds matched,

The freckles on little Sister's nose,

Amber hair glowing pink in the sunshine.

The long days spent lying beneath feathery clouds

Collecting moles to tattoo on my arms,

The constellation of my journey here.

And I remember resting in the fields one day,

The emerald grass sparkling,

Bright with the dew of an early morning,

And I couldn't help but wonder,

Were I ever to get lost somewhere,

In the big and daunting world,

Would I be able to find my way back home?

And no matter how hard I try,

I'll never forget the day,

When that moving truck arrived next door,

Carrying away the girl that I always loved,

In My Mind's EyeWhere stories live. Discover now