Chapter 10

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   I was sleeping when I heard my ringtone going off. I answer it and yell into the phone, "it's Saturday you shouldn't be fucking calling me!"
"Well, OK. Someone is grumpy and doesn't want to go to the mall." Maggie says on the other end of the phone. "BITCH! I always want to go to the mall!"
"Ok we'll be there in an hour to pick you up, be ready." We say our goodbyes and I run to my closet to pick an outfit.(1st outfit in sidebar)
I lay my clothes out and hop in the shower. I finish washing my hair/body and shaving my legs. I dry off and put my outfit on. "Ohh I look hot." I say to myself. I dry my hair and put in a messy high ponytail.
I'm finishing my makeup and I hear a honk. "Yay!" I grab my phone and purse.
"Bye, Cole. Call me if you need anything. Love ya!" I yell while running out the door.
I hop in the car and Maggie drives off. "Yay! I needed to go to the mall anyways." Madison says.
"Tbh we look hot!" I yell at Madison (3rd outfit) and Maggie (2nd outfit)
"I know right!" Madison tells back. "Stop yelling or I'm gonna crash!" Maggie screams at us. "Ugh fine" I lean over and turn up the music.
*A few minutes later*
We park and hop out of the car. "I'm so excited!!" Madison yells at us from ahead. I roll my eyes but smile.
We get inside and we're trying to decide where to go to first. "How about hot topic" I suggest. "But I want a smoothie!" Madison whines. "Fine we'll get smoothies and take them to hot topic, ok?" I look at the for agreement, they nod. I start skipping and singing "we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz" and they join me. Everyone looks at us as if we are crazy, well we are so ha jokes on them.
We get in line and I hear a phone go off. I look around and then at Maggie and she is reading a text and blushing. "Wait, who is making you this tomato mess?" I ask and try to look at the screen.
"Oh she's been texting Dylan a lot." Madison says getting excited. "Ahhhh! No way!!" I scream and start jumping up and down. Madison joins me saying "yes way!"
We start talking really fast when Maggie clears her throat. I look at her and she's blushing again. "Ohh what'd he say!" I yell.
"He asked me out, tonight at 7:30" she smiles and blushes more if that's even possible. Madison and I starts squealing and jumping up in down when people start yelling at us. I look up and see it's our turn in line. "Oh oops" I shrug and walk up to the guy. "Uhh I'll have a blueberry splash." I say. He smirks and says," ok, that'll be $5.97." I hand him a ten and wait for the change. He hands me the change and my drink. I smile and step out of line and wait for Madison and Mags.
I look at my cup and it has the guys number on it. I type the number in my phone under Max. 'I like that name'
Madison and Maggie get there drinks and walk over. "Hey what's on your cup?" Madison asks. "Oh that guys number." I say and shrug. "Ohh he was cute." She says. I give her a look. "Don't you have a boyfriend?" She scoffs. "Duh, but it's not like he gave me his number and i was just saying he was cute not marrying him." I laugh and pull them to hot topic. "Let's go!!" They both chuckle.
*an hour and 30 minutes later*
"Ugh I'm tried." I say and plop into a chair. "Same" Madison says and lays on the table. I look over at Maggie and she is texting Dylan. I smirk " young love, aye Madison" I Say and motion towards Maggie. She punches my shoulder "shut up" I laugh.
"Ok I'm ready to leave how about you guys?" Madison asks. "Yea lets go." Maggie says and gets up. I get up and pick up my bags. I start walking towards the exit when Madison jabs me in the side with her elbow. "What!" I ask. "Is that Jayson?" I look over and sure enough Jayson is waking in with his 'crew' "yea, whatever." I say and start walking again. "I want to go say hi to Gavin, so you guys are coming with me."
"But why??" I whine while she drags me and Maggie follows smirking. "Gavin!!!" Madison screams at him. "Way to be discreet" I grumble. "Stop being grumpy I know you want to see him, and is that Dylan I see?" Maggie perks up and they run over there. I scoff, "ok, ditch me!" I yell at there backs. I huff and stomp over there.
"Hey babe." Jayson says and wraps his are around me. "Hey" I say and stand in his embrace. Madison smirks at me and stick my tongue out at her.
"Let's get smoothies" Jayson announces and grabs my hand and drags me to the smoothie place. We all get in line and Maggie and Dylan are flirting so I kick Madison. "Ow, what was that for?" I motion my head towards the pair. "Our little baby's got a boyfriend" Madison says excited. We jump together and take pictures. "They are so cute" I say.
"I know, you think Max is serving us again, that would be weird." She says. "Not really he works here." I roll my eyes.
"Yea but you didn't text him yet maybe he's sad" i scoff.
"I'm probably not gonna text him, I mean yea he's cute but I don't know." I rant and Madison nods her head in agreement. "Who's cute?" Jayson asks. "Oh the guy who served our smoothie earlier, he gave Christa his number. He was cute." She rambles on about him. "Well he better be gone we all know what happened last time." I say and poke Jayson. He slings an arm around my shoulder and I roll my eyes.
I get up to order and its Max serving. "I'll have a blueberry slash." I say hoping he doesn't do anything. "Coming right up" he winks. "Hey, she's taken!" Jayson roars and pulls me back into his chest. I smack my palm to my forehead. "It's fine" I try calming him down.
He continues to glare, "hey" I whisper and kiss his cheek. He smiles at me and pays for our orders. I grab his hand and walk over to where our bags and everyone else is. "So!" Madison barges in." Are you guys a couple or not." My eyes widen, are we? "Uh yea we're going on a date tomorrow" Jayson cuts my answer off.Madison squeals,"Yay!!"  I laugh and then turn to give a look to Jayson.
"Where are we going?" I ask. "somewhere fun and outside." He says and I glare at him for not telling me. But I'm really excited.
Hello empty space!
The next chapter is of their date so be ready for cuteness!!
Ok bye,

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