Chapter 6

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*picture of Selena*

So after speeding away I got to scoops and ordered a chocolate sundae with strawberries. After I got my ice cream and sat alone in a corner, I started sobbing.
I'm sitting alone in and ice cream shop sobbing, this is officially the saddest moment of my life. The ice cream guy keeps looking weirdly at me, while I'm stuffing my face and crying.
5 mins of crying and eating later my friends come in. They see/hear me and rush over.
"Omg what happened" Madison sat by me. I hugged her and continue to sob. "I...I... Liked...him... I..I..actually...liked him" I hiccup. "Oh honey." Maggie says stepping into the now group hug.
"We need to get him back." Heaven says. I nod and wipe my tears, ready to listen to the plan. "Ok, so I heard that a new guy is coming tomorrow, all you need to do is get with him." She says. I get excited "Yass. This is perfect, I'm in!"
"So tomorrow you gotta look hot." Mags says. "You know what that means"Madison squeals "SLEEPOVER!?!" We all cheer and head for our cars. "Meet at my house around 5" they all agree.
It's about 4 so I decide to go out to get food. I drive to the store and grab a shopping cart. I go to the candy isle, "ohh... I love food" I say to myself as I get a bunch of candy for tonight. I feel my butt vibrate, "hmm, it doesn't usually do that,ohh must be my phone" I grab my phone and read the text while walking to the isle with popcorn and soda. 'Where are you?' The text Says. 'Uhh at the store, who is this?' I text back. No reply. "Good way to get yourself murdered, Christa." I say and grab a bunch of popcorn and soda."Ok only one thing left" I go to the DVD section. "Uhh where are the chic flicks?" I ask the worker near me. "Right down that isle." She points to an isle and run over. "Hmm, the notebook, best of me, the lucky one, and 50 first dates . I'll get some other ones too, you never know, I might be the only one in a crying mood." I mumble to myself.
I feel arms incircle around my waist and I freeze, 'why do I feel so comfortable and not freaked out'
"Why are you in a crying mood" the person says. "Uhh." I say turning around, I frees and try to pull away when I see Jayson. "What are you doing here" I try to sound mad. "I asked where you were and I found you."
"Oh I thought I told a random stranger where I was and I thought they were going to murder me." I say standing away from him. He takes a step forward and I glare at him. He takes another step and I step back. "Well, it was a surprise to see you, not I good one I geuss, so... I'm gonna go I have some people meet, I'm gonna be late to my own party." I say walking towards the check out. "Hey, seriously what is wrong. Yesterday was great and then today you go off on me."
I turn around and scowl at him. "I know we aren't "official" or anything but I thought that still didn't mean that we could go around, kissing Lizzy and other sluts like her." I say and walk away.
I check out and speed walk to my car. I can practically here him coming out after me, trying to stop me.
I can't stop. Not for him not for anyone. I can't let him think he broke me.
I sit in my car and start it, after putting the groceries away. I here a tapping on my window. I look over and he looks right back at me. I shake my head calmly. I reverse and drive to my house.
HELLO FRIENDS!!! Oh wait no one reads this book, oh well. Your welcome for the update btw.
*also I don't own any of these pictures so yeah, thought I would mention that*
*and if I make any mistakes please tell me*
(I am obsessed with 5sos so like all the songs are gonna be theirs, have fun)

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