Chapter 23: My Turn

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~from Levi's POV~
Her name is Buttons.

~30 second flashback~
"What should we name her?" (y/n) asked openly, gaze at the kitten's innocent eyes in total adoration.
I rolled my eyes, prepared to ignore the question, but when Himuro raised his eyebrow at me, I exhaled between my teeth. "How about Noche, or Noir?" After all, the kitten has black fur, and if you translate 'night' into various languages...
"How about Buttons?" Himuro suggested easily, and (y/n) shined.
"Yes! Yes! Your name is buttons now!" she squealed, clutching the cat close to her chest.
~end flashback~

Muttering to myself about how unoriginal a name that was, I turned back to the kitchen table.
"Eh? Levi? You don't like it?"
"It's fine," I snapped, but I wasn't fine, and it only got worse as Himuro placed a small box on the table.
"She's safe, right?" (y/n) whispered, staring at the box intently.
I glared at Himuro. "I may have given (y/n) permission to get a kitten," I lied, going with his version of the story, "but - turtle, hermit crab, gecko - whatever the f**k is in that box CANNOT claim residency here."
(Y/n) looked at you, confused. "Levi, she's a cupcake."
What the hell? First a kitten, now some type of deity cupcake? "You can't just go around genderifying any random food," I muttered, trying to keep even footing in the conversation, but Himuro was standing there, smirking at me.
"Is genderifying-" (y/n) began, but I interrupted her.
"F**k, (y/n). No, it's not a word. Just forget about it," I snapped and looked away from her.
"Eek!" she said, taking a step back in shock at my outburst.
Good, I thought. Go hang out with your perfect other brother.
But then she was turning around and looking in the other room. "Levi, why is the living room so messy?"
I turned my head to look towards said room and shrugged. "Thought I'd clear some stuff out of my room."
"Why?" she asked, looking back towards me, and I frowned.
"So you can move your stuff in, brat," I said, raising my eyebrow at her.
I glared at her. "That's the only room with a lock on the door. I feel safer with you in there. Not," I quickly added, turning away from her wide eyes. "That I care about you or anything. I haven't been able to sleep on my bed lately, so I thought I'd give the couch a try. That's all."
"Thanks, Levi," (y/n) said, smiling at me and completely ignoring all of my negative energy (of which I have an abundance).
"Tch. Whatever, brat."
"Well, come on, (y/n)," Himuro said, taking her hand and leading her toward the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked, trying to sound not curious. Himuro smirked. Fail.
"I've got a doctor's appointment today," (y/n) answered, but she didn't sound too bothered about it. "So I'll see you later, okay?"
"Unless you want to come with?" Himuro offered, his expression polite but his eyes glittering.
"Tch. Like I would ever-"

~twenty minutes later~

I officially hate myself.
I was sitting in a room with Himuro and (y/n)'s doctor, who was looking at me curiously. For some reason, I felt as though I were the unwanted tagalong relative at a woman's obstretrician and gynecologist appointment instead of a routine checkup.
"You're new," he said, and I frowned at him. "So..." He cleared his throat. "Are you a friend of (y/n) Or...a boyfriend, maybe?"
I raised my eyebrow, my animosity prickling. "I'm her brother. Her real brother," I emphasized, looking at Himuro out of my peripherals because it would offend my pride to look at him directly.
"Ah," the doctor said, still looking confused. "And...(y/n) is living with you, correct?"
I nodded stiffly. "For now. How did you know?"
The doctor smiled at Himuro. "Himuro here told me. We usually talk for a bit while (y/n) is having tests done and such." He paused. "I don't mean to pry; it's just...I like to know more about my patient's lives."
"Isn't that a violation of some law?" I muttered, but he just smiled sadly.
"Not everyone here makes it, and - although it's unfair of me - I want their memory to remain in at least one more person's soul."
"What do you mean, not everyone makes it? How hard is it to cure a cold or the flu?" I asked, and the doctor's eyes widened.
"(Y/n) didn't tell you?" he asked, and I glared at him.
"Obviously not, so fill me in." I turned my glare to Himuro. "Or you can, if you'd deign to."
"(Y/n) is just here for routine treatment," Himuro said carefully, a fake smile on his face, but I didn't miss the admonitory glance he sent the doctor. "She's been weak since childhood. Nothing dangerous, just fatigue and the like."
I stared at him for a few long moments. "When you decide that I can hear the truth, just let me know," I said, looking away.
"Would you even care?" Himuro asked, his voice bitter, and the doctor held up a hand.
"Himuro, I know that you're only thinking of (y/n)'s insistence on privacy, but isn't it all right to tell her brother? Doesn't he have a right to know, especially if (y/n) is living with him? She could have a medical emergency in the future..."
Himuro frowned at the ground. "Fine. He can know." Himuro looked up at you, his eyes dark. "But if you ever let on to (y/n) that you know-"
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Just spill already." How bad can it be?

~extra from Levi's POV~
I walked towards my room to grab the last of my t-shirts to see (y/n) taking a nap with Buttons curled up next to her.
(Y/n) blinked her eyes wearily. "Levi? Is that you? Are you okay?"
"Fine," I muttered, walking back towards the living room and wallowing in self-hatred.  

Overprotective: AOT/KNB Crossover [Reader x Eren]Where stories live. Discover now