Chapter 6: Not Today

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~from (y/n)'s POV~
You eventually made it home (or rather, you wandered around until it was dark and Levi had to come and drag you back). Due to staying out too late, you ended up getting sick and had to skip school for a few days.
Before you knew it, that day came...
Levi complained about having to stay home and take care of you because he didn't want you to accidentally turn on the TV and try to smash it or wreak havoc on anything else that he owned. You told him that you'd be fine; he could go to school and let you stay home, but the second you opened the door to go out and pick up some medicine, you screamed, slammed the door, and jumped on the couch, wrapping yourself in a cocoon of fuzzy blankets and closing your eyes tightly.
Levi walked in without urgency from the kitchen. "What's wrong?"
When you didn't reply, he frowned and went to the door, looking out the window. "Are you kidding me, (y/n)? It's just Halloween. The decorations are all plastic fakes, and it's kids in costumes, for crying out loud."
"So what! I can't help it, okay?!" You sniffled softly. "I'd change if I could, but..."
"Why are you so scared?" Levi asked, folding his arms and leaning against the counter. "There's got to be some trauma or trigger, right?"
"Dad was always into scary things," you said.
"What do you mean, was-"
"But how am I going to get my medicine now?" you interrupted, focusing on the more immediate issue.
Levi scowled, pushing off of the counter. Despite being less-than-average in height (although you'd never tell him so in as many words), he was surprisingly athletic. "I'll get your damn medicine, brat, so stay home and hand out candy, got it?"
Before you could protest, he was out the door.
The first few trick-or-treaters went fine. There was a five-year-old in a strawberry costume, and a seven-year-old as a poptart.
Then came a teenager wearing a Scream mask and you lost it.
"JUST TAKE THE CANDY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" you shrieked, throwing candy at the masked figure, behind which Jason from Nightmare on Elm Street popped out.
Screaming and out of ammunition, you slammed the door, bolting it and locking it as well as leaning against it to further ensure that nothing would get inside. You stayed like that, scared into paralysis, until you noticed a pair of boots in front of your eyes.
"What happened?" Levi asked, scowling at you.
You went to scream again, but he held his hand over your mouth until you'd calmed down.
"H-how did you get in?"
He nodded towards his room. "Window."
"O-oh." You nodded, trying to keep up a semblance of normality, but you were still shaking and pale.
Levi walked past the couch, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over you. "Get some rest, okay? I'll deal with the kids."
You hesitated, wondering at his ulterior motive, before nodding and accepting his offer, going to sleep on the couch while Levi guarded the door.

~from Levi's POV~
I let her get some sleep. Truth be told, I hate handing out candy to kids on Halloween, because even though I'm not wearing a costume...
"Here's your candy," I said, holding out a Reese's to a girl dressed as a witch.
"SCAWWWY!" she yelled, dropping her bag and running to her mom.
You started to slam the door (good riddance - I've always disliked Madoka Magica anyway), I remembered that (y/n) was sleeping and eased the door shut instead. I decided that it would be easier to just set out a bowl in front of your apartment door and write a note saying that I wasn't home, so I filled the bowl and set it out front, but a minute later, someone knocked on the door.
I yanked open the door, pissed about already being bother. "What is- Oh." I frowned, observing Hanji. She grinned, waving at me.
"Shut up, freak," I muttered. "(Y/n) is sleeping."
A boy I didn't recognize stepped out from behind Hanji. "So (y/n) does live here..." he said, sounding both disappointed and awkward.
"What's it to you?" I snapped. How does he know (y/n)?
He just frowned and shrugged. "Never mind." He walked away, shoulders slumped in defeat.
I looked to Hanji for an explanation, but she just winked and put a finger to her lips.
"Bye-bye!" she whispered, waving and following the boy from earlier.
I shut the door, locking it before looking at the couch. Did she know that boy? Did she know that he was looking for her?
You decided not to tell her when she woke up.  

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