Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1

Start from the beginning

Of course this made her confused at first, but then it came to her that he was going to force it down her throat one way or another. When she tried to get away again, he roughly gripped her right wrist in his grasp.

"No, Subaru! Why can't you just let me go? I like the way I am," Mayu pleaded. She forcefully jerked her head from side-to-side with her eyes shut tightly.

Because of that, Subaru grabbed her jaw with his free hand in order to hold her head still. She accidentally looked into his eyes, as he leaned in for a kiss. When his mouth finally claimed hers, Mayu automatically gave in and granted him access. She parted her lower lip open, so he was able to dump the fluid inside her mouth. After she swallowed every last drop of the antidote, her arms crossed around Subaru's neck and brought him deeper into their kiss.

Shortly after, he moved away from her gaping mouth and begin to leave a trace of kisses from her jaw line to her breast and down. Subaru's eyes never left hers, as he traveled down her shapely figure and lifted the hem of dress up. Mayu didn't know what to do at the very second, she felt a bit numb and light-headed at the same time. In results of that, all she could do was stare at him. (Smut scene)Suddenly, he positioned his head between her thighs and slid his tongue to where her cervix was located. in the process, that active tongue of his plunged between her folds, over-and-over again, forcing her walls to clamp against it. Next, he injected his fang on her clitoris, and sucked on it with all his might.

"OH!" She gasped, with her back arched forward against his face. Her parted mouth formed into the shape of an "o", as sparks of pleasure bursted through her quivering body. (End of smut) "Ooo! Subaru! How I love you," she cried out with everthing she had.

He didn't say another word to her because his mouth and fangs were too preoccupied somewhere else.

At the after party, the guest were patiently waiting in the ball room for the brides and grooms to appear, as planned. There was tons of food prepared and ready on the serving tables and people had already made their plates and took their seat at an arranged table picked out for them. Everybody thought Reiji did a wonderful job at coordinating the wedding.

"Well... this night has been... eventful, so far." Reina pointed out with her hand pressed against her small baby bump.

Aiko shifted her golden eyes down to Reina's swallowing tummy in shock. "Woah! Reina, you're getting big! It almost looks like you're about to pop in any day now."

The brunette gazed at her in fear. "Don't say that! It hasn't been that long... and beside, I still have along way to go."

"I see. How did your parents take it when they found out?" Aiko asked.

"At first, not so good... But then they met Shu and fell in love with him." The smile that was once on Reina's face turned into a frown. "I don't know how I'm going to break it to them that Shu is a vampire. On top of that, I'm expecting this baby in a few months."

Can I give you a suggestion?"

Reina nodded,"sure."

"My suggestion would be not tell them."

She flickered her eyes at her "Why not?"

"Because... your parents aren't like Yui's and Kyoyo's parents... They won't take the news lightly," Aiko clarified.

Reina became sad after hearing her say that. "So what would be a good time to tell them?"

"Never... but don't feel too bad. You're not alone in this one," the redhead reminded.

"What about your parents, Aiko? Have you ever thought about telling them?"

Aiko swiftly moved her head from side to side. "No. And I'm not planning too. My parents are vampire hunters, remember?"

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