Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire

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Ayato laid on the ruby colored sofa; twisting and turning restlessly. Even though he tried, the thoughts of Yui neglecting him tortured through his soul, but to little avail.

A tender intense groan released from the back of the redhead throat as he sat straight on the sofa. He combed his long fingers through his slightly drenched locks with his head lowering to the ground in thoughts.

How dare she! How dare she treat me like this?! I refuse to tolerate her behavior any longer!

He quickly stood from the sofa, gaining back some dignity. But, that was short lived when he fell back on the sofa in defeat.

"Tch... what am I doing?" He sighed.

Numerous times before, he asked himself 'why do I let her get to me?'

Every time he tried to touch her, she would flinch and back away. That look of horror on her face pained him and he couldn't stop picturing it in his head. He wanted to ask her why she kept running away? Ever since that day he grabbed her breasts, she was a bit on the sensitive side. He knew that if he asked her about it, she would get offended, so he decided against asking her.

Overall something had to give soon. She couldn't keep avoiding him like this. They'd be married in a month, and when that comes...she'll officially be only his. Forever.

Minutes later a slim small figure sat down on the sofa beside Ayato. He glared over at his brother and realized that it was Kanato; he had the same intense expression on his face that Ayato had been wearing all evening. The redhead curiously wondered what was bothering him.

"Oi! What is the meaning of this?"

The second oldest twin eyes stayed lowered to the ground and his chin rested on top of his stuff bear's head. He intentionally sighed before dully replying, "Why are all women troublesome and complicated to understand?"

The youngest twin was dumbstruck by the fact that his brother came to him with this question. He didn't exactly understand woman either, they were a puzzle to him. In conclusion, the redhead nervously cleared his throat and tugged on his scarf with his index finger.

"W-well you see... I don't exactly understand why women are the way they are either." Ayato answered.

Kanato sadly gazed over at his brother . "Pity..." he sighed once more.

The room became silent for a short while before Kanato opened his mouth again, "Ayato..."


"I thought maybe you could help me...since you can read minds and all," said the weary purple eyed vampire.

"I can't read everybody mind like you think I can," he responded. "What's this all about anyways? Izumi, I'm guessing?

Kanato nodded, "um –yes. I think I lost her and I need to find a way to get her back."

Ayato slightly chuckled to himself. "I thought you didn't want anything more to do with her?"

"Well..." he paused with hesitation. "I lied."

Ayato eyes lingered on his brother for longer than he anticipated. He knew exactly how that was to lie about the person you love. "Now there's something we both are good at. Not being honest with the people we care about."

"I think she's seeing Azusa again," Kanato said out of nowhere with a disappointed frowned. "When I saw them kissing the other day I thought about stabbing and ripping Azusa apart limb by limb, then setting his remains on fire until there's nothing left but ashes and bones."

Ayato furiously stood up from the couch feeling appalled. "That's unacceptable?! How come you stood there and allow them to embarrass you like that? I recommend you do so."

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