Chapter 1: More brides?

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It's been three months...three whole months. Yui thought. It's been three whole months since Yui became a vampire. All she could think about was more and more blood. Yui tossed and turned in her queen size bed, praying that this hunger will one day come to an end. Sadly it wasn't going to happen unless she learned how to control her hunger. Yui bit down on her bottom lips irritated, letting her fangs pierced through them. She got a taste of her blood for the first time as a vampire.

Then...realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Mm, I wondered why the guys were so attracted to my blood, Yui thought once more. 'It's sweet like Ayato told her multiple times and hot like Shu pointed out in the bathroom that day.' Of course the 4 other brothers had their own opinion on what Yui blood. But surprisingly Ayato opinion was the only one that mattered. Why, you say? Let's head back down memory lane.


"I'm so thirsty." Yui responded softly. She scrolled individually at each brother in the room.

Ayato smirked at this, while the others Sakamaki brothers stared at her in awe. Laito giggled loudly. "Looks like our bitch-chan is thirsty for blood." He said gliding towards her while taking her hand in his. "It would be my honor Bitch-Chan." Laito said tilting his hat forward when bowing down his head.

"No fair! Why do you get to have all the fun? Teddy and I wanted to play with her too!" Kanato whined, hugging his teddy bear close to him and walking towards Yui. Even though teddy's head was half way torn off and stuffing popped out; it didn't faze the purple hair vampire one bit.

"Like hell, neither of you are going near her," Ayato complained. "Yours Truly will be her first everything, so fuck off." he threaten.

"Laito...Kanato...Ayato?" Reiji spoke, gaining their attention. He fixed his glasses and cleared his throat. "How many times do I have to give you three a lesson on manners? Take all your activities up to your own rooms."

Subaru threw his fist against the wall with annoyance, "This is so fucking annoying! Let her decide herself for once!" He shouted when crunching his fists.

Laito waved him off "Oi, not you again Subaru." He started, "I saw the way you looked at Bitch-chan lately. We all know that you just want her for yourself. You naughty little vampire, you.

"Shuddup! Your statement is irrelevant!" Subaru yelled with a blush rising on his face in embarrassment.

"Aww, did I hit a nerve there?" Laito smirked.

"Ayato..." Yui spoke grabbing everybody attention in the room.

Ayato secretly grinned while bending down towards her. He was "pleased" by the sound of his name escaping her lips. "You have Yours Truly full attention. Now please embrace me with you vocal cords and don't hold back." He responded.

"You smell good." Yui said, bearing her fangs at him before sinking them in his neck. Ayato was utterly shocked by this. A low hiss passed through his lips and he began to moan.

"Well...that's one other untrained vampire I have to give a lesson in manners to." Reiji pointed out when writing something down in his book.

"Now that we established that, "Shu finally spoke from the other couch. "I have better things to do then to listening to you brats all night." Shu exited the room ignoring any objections.

"Spoiled rotten." Reiji grunted.

"Oi, you had enough Breastless! I said that's enough!" Ayato yelled.

"But you taste so good."

(End of Flashback)

Yui stuck to Ayato like glue. Overtime she saw him, all she wanted to do was drink his blood. Her fangs twitched just thinking about it. She could smell it from here to Tokyo. But for some reason, Ayato was keeping his distance lately and it bothers her, which was shocking because she should-be happy that he hasn't been drink her blood. If he wasn't going to come to her, then she was going to go to him. It was very unusual for her to do such a thing.

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