Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2

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"My sweet gentle boy..." Christa continued to speak sweetly. Her eyes squinted shut and her lip pulled up into a cheerful smile. "You seem utterly surprised to see me..." When he didn't respond back, her eyes fluttered open and that smile of hers converted into a sad one. "You must think I'm the worse mother ever...leaving you alone like that..." The older woman head lowered shamefully. "I could understand if you hate me. You have every right to. But you have to understand son, I was really ill –"

"Silent! ...Mother," he demanded aggressively. Suddenly, a colony of bats scattered from the trees, from the sound of his high pitch voice and flew off into the night sky.

Subaru fists were trembling with everything burning inside him. He tried his hardest not to take his rage out on his mother. After all he loved her more than anything and there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her.

"Why did you come back..." he gritted through his teeth shakily. He turned away from her and banged both his fist against the stone statue on the eastside of the mansion. The furious young vampire relentlessly rested his forehead against the statue after he was done and dropped his wounded hands to his sides before he turned to face her "Why... Why did you come back?"

"Because..." She started to tell him softly. "I miss you, tremendously... There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you." Sorrowful tears ran down her cheeks and she lifted her head to look at him. "You have grown up into a fine young man, Subaru. Let me be a part of your life again and I'll promise that you'll never have to go through it alone again."

Subaru cheeks turned pink as he thought about it, then he looked away from his mother when he realized how flushed his face was. "Mother I –"

Out of nowhere, Mayu pounced on him, thrusting her fist into his cheek.

Subaru rubbed his sore red cheek shock as he turned to glare at his enraged girlfriend with wide eyes. He noticed the vein on Mayu's temple started to throb and the light that was ones in her eyes darken.

"How dare you meet with another woman, Subaru," Mayu scolded at him furiously. "At first, I thought it was an urgent matter, so I let the rudeness slide when you left me in the room alone! ...But then, I caught a whiff of this other woman's perfume and suddenly I felt unease by your disappearance. Now I find you with her in front of your family's home! What –I wasn't good enough for you? You couldn't handle my condition, so you're running away from me, is that it?!"

"Young lady, I think you have the wrong idea," Christa proclaimed calmly.

Mayu scowled at her heatedly. "Shut it, tramp!" She shouted; her cruel tone startled Christa a bit. "I will deal with you next!"

"Mayu," Subaru called in a rather harsh tone.

She whipped her back around to look at him. "What is it, you insensitive bastard!"

"Quiet! I will not have you talk to my mother like that!"

Mayu's jaw dropped before she took a few seconds to jab her forefinger at the woman standing a few feet away from them. "You're joking! That beautiful mistress is your mother?!"

Subaru groaned. "Are you really that dumb or just plain stupid? Of course she's my mother! Why else would I urgently run out here?"

Mayu's face lit up with an embarrassing red hue. She turned around to face Christa and got to her knees, bowing her head down respectfully. "My deepest apologies, I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't aware that you were coming to visit. I hope you can look pass what I said and forgive me."

Christa smiled down and gestured her head out. "That's quite all right eh –Mayu is it?"

"Yes, that's my name. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Although, Subaru has failed to mention anything about you, but I'm glad that I finally got meet you... even if it was such an unpleasant introduction."

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