Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers

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M for Smut and Sexual content

Ayato and Yui

"I will never throw away something so precious again." Ayato said in a husky tone of voice. He was kissing along the jaw bone, while tracing his fingertips on the side of her abdominal. Yui moaned as she tenderly gripped his shoulders towards her with quivering hands. They were pressed up against each other in a passionate embrace.

"The things I did to you," Ayato stopped to say with trembling lips. "Was pointless –everything I did was pointless," he choked out. His green eyes gazed into her enormous pink once. All the pain came pouring out with one good look at the girl beneath him.

All of a sudden, a tear came pouring out of his right eye. Yui gasped in shock when noticing something different about his tears. Instead of it being clear or cloudy, his tear was the color of deep red, which mean only one thing. Ayato was crying tears of blood.

Yui placed her hand against Ayato cheek as another tear came running down his face. He positioned his hand upon hers and closed his eyes. "Ayato...y-your tears, the-they look different," Yui stuttered to say.

Ayato giggled as he opened his eyes to look directly at her. He gently gripped her hand that was on his face and placed a kiss on her knuckles. "I haven't cried since I was a boy, Yui. I kept everything within me to the point that I forgot how to cry... tch, who knew?"

Yui blinked at him confusedly, "Who knew what?"

"Who knew that I could ever be capable of falling in love with some like you and pouring my heart out." he finished with a bland expression.

Yui frowned at his remark. She guessed some things don't ever change about a person personality. "Of course I mean that in a good way," Ayato pointed out. "What I'm trying to say is...I'm only the pall in your world, Yui. I bring you nothing but pain, sorrow and heartbreak. How could you stand to be in love with someone like me?"

"Well it wasn't simple," Yui answered. "Truth is... I believed for some time that you had plenty of good qualities. I don't blame you for who you are and what you did in the past. It's your mother fault, she made you this way. But I'm also grateful. If it wasn't for her treating you the way she did and you getting revenge. We never would have the chance of meet each other." She ended with a delighted smile.

Ayato continued to stare at the love of his life beneath him; it's been sometime since he thought about making love to her. He gripped the sheets that were attached to the base of the bed, trying to control is sexual desires. Yui leaned towards him to lick the dry tears off his face. She was tempted to do that since she first smelled the blood.

Straightaway, Yui felt the heat radiating off his body, which was odd because vampires were cold-blooded creatures. He pressed his lips against hers, intense and sweetly. The roughness of longing only made them crave for more.

(Warning: Smut Scene)

Ayato roughly pushed Yui back against the bed, lingering beneath her. He pulled up her nightgown and slid his fingers inside the hem of her lace black panties. Yui jolted in surprise as his fingertips brushed against her privacy. With one good grip, he slipped her panties down her slender milky thighs and off her body.

Yui blushed as Ayato stared at her body parts almost drunkenly. Never had she ever had another guy stare at her like that before. She was starting to wonder if she met his standards and sexual desires. Ayato pulled his shirt up over his head and shook his reddish-brown hair back into place. He leaned down to nibble on her pink tit then lick around the rim of it nipple. Yui gasped as she arched her back against his mouth.

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