“Then why would you keep on hurting yourself with Karma? It’s over, Reese. You’re out of the band and it’s over. Why do you always have to have to last laugh?” he asks now sitting at the edge of the couch with beady eyes that throw judgment and spite my way.

“I don’t.”

“Then stop. I don’t want to get into any more trouble. If Justin found out—“

“He doesn’t care about us,” Austin jumps in as he stands up, his body rigid. “Don’t you see that, Alex? He never cared about us. He’ll pretend he doesn’t know us if he ever gets his ‘big chance’ at fame.”

Alex tugs at his hair, his face red and angry. “God!” he finally yells and gets to his feet to stand directly in front of me, “You’re all so full of it. You’re all so delusional and idiotic. Justin’s an egotistical jerk and the rest of you are just asking for people to hate you. You know what I’ve been thinking about? I’ve been thinking about what other people would think if we kept this pointless argument up—if we stirred up more drama—and you know what? I don’t want any part of it anymore! I’m sick and tired of walking the line with Justin and I’m sick and tired of this God-awful, guilty feeling that I have all day every day! I’m so freaking done with all of you! You are all attention-seeking, stupid teenagers! I just want to go back to the way it was before the ditzy red-head took over!”

I’m on my feet, standing under Alex’s tall stature with as much might as I can muster. “Well then quit, Alex. None of us are asking you to stay.”

“Oh, you bet I’m quitting. I’m quitting all of this. I’m quitting Justin and I’m quitting you. I want a normal life with normal people!”

“Fine.” I say lowly, my eyes narrowing into slits as I watch him march over to the stairs. He turns as he takes his first step and opens his mouth, again.

“All of you can get lost.”

“Fine, Alex,” Kris hisses from where he’s still seated on the couch. “I thought we were friends, I thought we were all in this together.”

“Well, it looks like I actually care what people think about me. You all can have fun knowing that this whole town hates your guts, that Justin—the most powerful kid in school—hates you. You have fun being the misfits of the century,” he laughs, “You might call it standing up for yourselves, or maybe even Karma, but what is it really? A stupid-ass disagreement between a group of stupid-ass teenagers. You might as well be the biggest troublemakers around. Remember, Karma, what goes around comes around. I don’t want to be anywhere near you when it does.  Now get out of my house,” he hollers at us and then gives us one final dirty look before stomping away.

Sean stands up behind me and laces his fingers through mine, pulling me with him as he walks to the stairs. Austin and Kris follow us, heads bowed and lips tight. When we reach the top of the stairs Alex is waiting there in the kitchen, hands clutching the counter with his head bent over the sink. We pass him silently and I can hear my own heartbeat. When we’ve exited the house, Sean turns to me.

“He’s having a meltdown because he doesn’t handle pressure well. He’s only doing what’s good for his mental health. This has been driving him crazy. He needed to get out. With Stephanie and all, both bands were making him wild. It’s really better for him if we just walk away.”

I don’t say anything. I was expecting something like this, but I’d never imagined Alex to lose all control and start screaming at me. It was scary and I still feel numb and empty even though we’re out of his house.

“What now, guys?” Austin asks as a way to remove Alex completely. He has a washed out look on his face that’s similar to how I’m feeling—downright awful.

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