08| Star Struck

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"Seriously, where are we going?" Zelda asked for probably the third time already.

They were no longer in the main part of town and she couldn't seem to recognize anything.

"Patience is a virtue." Link chirped, obviously enjoying her frustration.

Zelda sighed dramatically. "We've been driving for almost fifteen minutes now."

"We'll be there soon, just hold your horses." Link replied calmly.

"You said we'd 'be there soon' five minutes ago." Zelda complained, staring out the window. From what she could see, they were heading up the canyon. Where could Link possibly be taking her out here?

"We should be there in about five more minutes." Link reassured her.

Zelda sighed again and stared hard out the window. They were getting higher up. In the distance down below she could see the river hidden beneath a canopy of trees.

"Are you planning to kill me and dump my body in the river?" She asked, turning to face him.

"Maybe." Link answered with a smirk.

"Or maybe you're planning to push me off a cliff?" Zelda persisted.

"I might if you keep asking where we're going and when we're gonna get there." Link said with a laugh.

"Imagine being in my shoes. This person that I barely know is taking me to a 'surprise location' at three in the morning. On a school night. How would you feel?"

"I guess I'd be a little anxious, but I doubt I'd be so annoying about it." Link teased.

Zelda just rolled her eyes. "You're impossible."

"Impossibly amazing." Link retorted automatically.

"That's what you think." Zelda grumbled, though she was smiling softly.

"You'll be happy to know," Link said dramatically as they pulled on to a dirt road off to the side, "that we're here."

The dirt road led up to a clear area of grass. As they pulled farther into the clearing, Zelda realized they could see the entire city displayed below them.

Link pulled up as close to the edge as he dared, though Zelda would've preferred another two feet between the drop off and the truck.

He parked the vehicle and climbed out, gesturing for Zelda to follow. She obeyed and climbed out after him.

He walked right up to the edge and sat down, dangling his legs precariously over the edge.

Zelda stood a foot or so behind him, astonished at the view below.

"Are you going to stand there all night or are you gonna sit?" Link asked, breaking her from her thoughts.

She stuck her tongue out at him, then cautiously inched her way forward. When she neared the deadly edge, she carefully sat down next to Link and dangled her legs like his.

"So, what do you think? Was it worth the wait?"

"Yes," Zelda breathed, her frustration at Link's evasiveness already forgotten. "It's incredible."

"It's weird to look down on the town. Everything just looks so peaceful you know? It's as if time is standing still." Link remarked, looking out at the view below.

"The stars seem a bit brighter out here, too." Zelda commented, looking up into the dark navy sky.

"How'd you find this place?" She asked, though she didn't break her gaze from the stars.

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