6- Next time

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Look at how precious he looks... This guy makes my heart melt, serioulsy...

When I opened my eyes the next morning, my head was pounding. I knew that I'd have a terrible hangover after all the drinking and smoking from last night, but I didn't know how bad it'd hurt. Every time I woke up in that state, I swore to God that I'd never do that to myself again, but I kept doing it anyway... In the moment, it's fun, but it's definitely awful the next day...

Squeezing my eyes twice, I looked at my torso, where Harry's hand was resting.

What the hell happened?

Without thinking straight, I put my hand on his, and start to caress it with my thumb, making small circles, feeling his soft hand skin.

What am I doing?

My heart was beating faster, but strangely, I felt extremely relaxed.

If I remembered well, Niall took me home, and I fall asleep, but woke up and saw Harry, sitting on my bed...

So, it wasn't a dream. He stayed with me last night, after showing up from nowhere pretty late.

Harry was here, laying in me bed, leaning the front of his body against my back. I smirked at how Harry was holding me tight, even in his deep sleep. It's like he didn't move at all while sleeping, and it made me smile at the cuteness, exhibiting in front of me.

He had always been like this, when we used to sleep next to each other, or together, even when it was platonic or not, in the same bed, he was always taking me into his hold so tight.

It was his way to show how much he cared about me, or about people, and it was truly cute and touching. He'd never been the guy who could really express himself when it comes to his feelings, which was amusing according to the songs he writes and sings, but he definitely showed them by the way he hugged people.

He was a hugger, when it comes to girl, or even with his fans. When he hugs his fans, his does it so tight, to show them his appreciation, and his gratefulness, no matter if he's in the mood or not. That's how he was and how he is.

I left aside that he could also be a jerk with girls, like a typical twenty-year-old guy, but it's not something you want to think about in the morning. Let's just enjoy the present moment, right?

He was still sleeping like a rock, as I heard him snoring, and breathing heavily, his minty breath blowing against the skin of my neck.

Even if I didn't want to move, and stay right here as long as he would be sleeping, I seriously needed to use the bathroom, and hydrate myself. My throat was so dry it hurt when I swallowed.

Getting up carefully, making sure to not awake him, I removed myself from his tight hold and took a look at Harry before tiptoeing to my bathroom.

Harry's face was stuck on the pillow where he was resting his face on, and his hair was completely messy, his curls were all over his face and pillowcase, which made me laugh internally. He looked absolutely adorable and cute and defenseless while sleeping.

In the bathroom, I used the toilets immediately before heading to the sink. While I washed my hands, I took a look in the mirror above the bathroom sink and, to be honest, I didn't like what I saw.

I purely looked like... hell.

My eyes were still bloodshot because of the lack of sleep, and I had bags under my eyes. I should thank the alcohol, or Louis' weed. Hum, probably both.

EIGHTEEN (H.S)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ