5- Boundaries

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Turning off the lights, I left Harry's bedroom, and I didn't know why, but I felt, good.

It was so good, to be here, with all of them.

As I was closing Harry's bedroom door, and lost in my thoughts, someone from behind me cleared their throat. I could notice a girl frame from the corner of my eye. Turning around, I saw Gemma a few feet away from me, obviously annoyed as she had set her two hands on both side of her waist, and tapping the carpet floor with her right feet.

"What are you doing in Harry's bedroom?" she snapped at me, like I did something fundamentally wrong. Was she seriously thinking that I broke into his room to snoop or anything?

"Calm down Gemma, I just needed to change" I answered, keeping my voice down. She was getting on my nerves, but I didn't want to pour oil on the fire. I was tired to walk on eggshells with her, but didn't want to say something that I could regret either.

So I remained quiet, letting her snapping at me, once in a while. Sometimes I asked myself what's bitten her? Okay, last summer was a mess, but come on, it wasn't fair that she was treating me so bad since. She should be over it for a long time now, like we all did. She should be like us, and spend good time, forgetting the past. Besides, she wasn't involved in any of the mess, so I didn't understand. She put herself in the middle of something that wasn't her business. And now she was making me pay for it, for God knows why.

Thankfully, we both heard Louis and Liam's doors cracking, and we saw them come out of their rooms and headed over me and Gemma. It was clear on their face that they notice the tension between G and I.

She turned her glaze at them, and stepped back, narrowing her eyebrows, like she wasn't done with it, she wasn't done with me.

What the heck? If she keeps acting like this, I'd have to seriously consider to calm her nerves.

Even if, I'd rather smooth things over by themselves.

Without adding anything she just left us, nodding at the guys and came into her bedroom.


Wearing dry clothes, we made our way to the back door and went back to the garden at the back of the house, where the others were sitting by the huge swimming pool.

There was a slight breeze which was bringing some cold, so I was glad I put a sweatshirt on. I didn't want to become sick because of my wet hair.

To be honest, it was awkward that Harry was there with his girlfriend, and at first, it took me some time to adjust, (it was an understatement, I know) but I was getting better at this (who am I fooling here?). Besides, I was also in a relationship, and I was happy with Ben (right?), so it shouldn't bother me that much. I didn't have any right to be mad at him for being in a relationship. Our love story was over, that was it. (right, right?)

Making my way to Niall's chair, I was walking barefoot on the tiles floor surrounding the pool and grabbed a beer from the pack on the ground.

Removing the stopper of my beer, I took a sip and sat next to Niall. My hair was still wet and was soaking Harry's sweatshirt on the back.

"Thank you for the clothes Harry" I gently said to Harry, as Kendall was laying in his arms. I was making myself comfortable close to Niall, as we were both laying down on the same long chair.

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