I'm on the plane.

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My window is frosted over and I'm stuck in an uncomfortable seat watching zootopia for the third time this trip.  They are so cute and the songs are catchy.  So sue me.  Anyway, I'm wearing this weird romper thing that feels like I'm wearing pjs.  Everyone keeps staring at me when I get up.  Right now I'm flying over the Newfoundland Sea.  Everything is very pretty.  I am very hungry.  🍎🍏🍊🍋🍇🍑🍒🍓🍍 also, to Ms7, they had lemons in Pompeii the size of my face.  Thought you would like to know.  I'm so happy that I have a window seat.  I switched with someone because they said boarding complete and there was an empty window seat, coincidentally next to my dad so I sat there then after right before we took off, a woman came and sat in my seat.  It was very awkward.  The clouds look so fluffy. 

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