A Little Help Please?

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I came up with two new tribes. Buuuut, I can't think of some things. So, I'll explain the tribes but comment what I can add to make them better.

Queen Chickadee
Description: feathers, a beakish snout, sharp yellow orange and green eyes, in any colors. One to three colors.  Boys are bigger than females and less vibrant. Both genders are small
Abilities: very strong fast fliers, sharp hearing, great eyesight, can't breathe fire.
Attitudes: shy, quiet, sneaky
Some of my characters: Thrush, Finch, Hummingbird, Parrot, Toucan, Crow, Raven, Owl, Falcon,

Queen Ageless
Description: long curved horns, spines, hourglass patterns on either side of spines, pale red, purple, blue and white and silver scales, males are darker.
Abilities: can speed up or slow down time, some can go back in time for short periods of time, can breathe fire, slow fliers
Attitudes: 😎 very varied.  Most are bold and loud and arrogant
Some of my characters: Hourglass, Rush, TicToc, Endless, Second,

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