Today's the day!!!!!!!!!!

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I am going to the ship today to get on the cruise. I am so excited. So, it turns out Italian shuttle buses are secretly trying to kill you and everyone tries to scam you for money. The buses swerve through traffic like there's no tomorrow... and if you stay in there much longer there probably won't be. The first place I stop to buy two simple souvenirs for my friends, the dude tries to take all my money. I pay with a twenty and he tries to give me eight. He owed my eighteen. My dad made sure I got my money. My mom just said something about the buses. It is like the Knight Bus for you potterheads, like me, although it takes more than an hour to show up. It is about 7 am here so it's is like 1 am there so I have to eat breakfast. There are THREE POOLS ON THE CRUISE SHIP!!!!!! So there is no internet on the ship but when I get back to the hotel in twelve days I will post a ton of chapters. Ok? Yay!

P.S. I can't upload pictures.

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