Literal Dirty Birds and Scummy Water

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First, I would like to apologize for not writing.  You might not know this but I have three facts I would like to share about my life:  please do NOT make fun of me.

1) I drew the incredibly short straw when it comes to genetics.  I have an issue where my body does not let me grow so I take a shot every day and it helps me grow.
2) I am Native American and my family hosts a pow wow or a native American get together at a local shrine.
3) I am socially incompatible.  I have pretty much no social media like Tumblr Facebook Twitter, etc.  I also get teased for being a midget though I am over four feet so I am not legally a midget.  No one cares though.

And...  I am working on a request for my friend that has taken ages so that's why I am busy.  Last day of school is in two days so I have to finish the pic and give her the pic.  Ugh.

The story I am about to tell you has to do with fact 2.  Ok?  Get it, got it, good. 

This year, we have a new food vender.  They arrived at around 9:30 pm when we were holding my mini birthday party.  It was getting dark out and the moon shined above.  Wind whisked over the flat grassy plain of the Random Name I can't reveal Shrine (call it Grassy Shrine). A girl got out of the car and my cousin, Fallen, went to greet her.  Let me explain one thing.  My cousins, Fallen and Athena, along with me and Vesuvius, my brother, were playing manhunt for my birthday.  All of these names are fake and some stuff is messed up and it is all true.  Back to the story.  Fallen went over and soon returned with a scrawny girl in a huge yellow sweatshirt.  "This is Esmeralda, Emerald for short," she announced to no one in particular.  Esmeralda waved.  She joined me and Fallen and we chased around Athena and Vesuvius for most of the night.  I saw Athena's glow bracelet on the ground and looked around.  I spotted a dark sharp lying on the ground.  I rushed over to my cousin and hollered for the others.  Emerald and Fallen rushed and Vesuvius arrived soon after.  I poked her in her stomach.  Nothing.   Finally after more poking her, eyes opened.  Athena's normally brown eyes glowed silver and she growled at us.  Springing up, she tackled Vesuvius and loped off to the woods like an animal.  I was in shock and stared at the retreating figure.  What the hell just happened? 

I went to sleep after curling up in my sleeping bag.  I found out later that she had my returned until one in the morning.  Creepy?  Totally.  My dog slipped out from under the teepee entrance (yes I have a teepee) and ran all around and we were out of breath and panting by the time we had caught him.  I asked Esmeralda if she wanted to join me in a walk around the pond next door. It also had a chlorinated fountain on a small pier.  Fallen and Athena joined us along with another girl who arrived in the night, Kenna.  We chatted and stuff, did the pow wow dancing, Esmeralda slammed Vesuvius head in a door.  You know, the norm.  But I had heard reports of her attacking Fallen and Athena's little brother.  I got a little suspicious, but I had to go home and take medicine.  When we got back from taking my shot, mom pointed at something under a van.  A huge bullfrog. I crawled under the car and snatched at it, wet skin slipping through my fingers.  After a lot of cursing and hopping, I caught it and walked to my friends' campsite.  We released it at the edge of the pond and saw hundreds more frogs.  You should know me by now.  I can't just leave them lying there.  An hour later we were coated in sweat dirt and frog pee.  I made a mental note to wash my clothes five million times.  Cue sleeping.  I woke up and the five of us got together and walked around the pond as normal.  I saw Emerald grab a stick and use it to push a turtle to her.  I went in and scared it away.  We kept walking.  Fallen and Athena walked ahead and scared away all turtles just in case.  But Esmeralda saw a baby turtle.  And she wanted it.  "Kenna!  Get the turtle!" She said.  Kenna also can't swim.  Kenna complained but in the end, Emerald promised to release it after a minute.  Kenna waded in and plucked the turtle our of some reeds and showed it to Emerald.  She held it and cooed softly.  Before I could do anything, she turned and ran, clutching the turtle in her fist.  I saw another turtle up ahead and heard her call Kenna.  I raced forward and plucked up the painted turtle (the species).  She held out her hand expectantly and I pushed it away.  I carried Algae the turtle to the edge of the pond.  A sharp pain shot through the side of my head as Emerald punched me.  I dropped Algae with a plop.  "Why, you little ________ (insert swear I used them all)!"  I chased her and she ran into the pier.  "It needs water!" ATHENA trilled.  "Fine," the turtle thief said.  "Her name is Emerald, by the way." She showed me the emerald colored tiny turtle and I knew it couldn't be named after its captor. "No," I retorted.  "Its Sapphire."  That's that.  She lowered her hand towards the surface of the chlorinated fountain on the pier and would have dropped it in if Fallen hadn't yelled.  "Stop!" She shrieked.  "Chlorine is like poison!"  Emerald snatched the turtle away from the water and by that time I ran to get an adult.  I know.  Little kid ish.  But, I saw her drop the turtle on it's head as I ran.  I didn't want it to die.  My aunt came, talked to us, and we had pow wow day number two.  After everyone left, Vesuvius, Fallen, Kenna, Athena, and I walked around the pond.  Little did we know, Esmeralda followed us.  At the pow wow, venders were packing up because our pow wow only lasts two days.  Vesuvius spotted something and called me over.  He yelled something about a baby bird.  Esmeralda burst from the bushes and picked up a stone.  She raced towards the bird, a starling, and stood there.  I saw it in slow motion.  She drew her hand back and the stone hit the bird on its shoulder.  It fell, sqeaking, into the water.  I kicked of flip flops and rolled up me pants.  I waded into the summit water and saw it stuck, wings tangled in reeds and struggling to keep its head above water.  Emerald followed me, but stopped at the edge where gray water tickled her toes.  I gently extracted the bird and carried it.  "Give me it.  Now," she said through gritted teeth.  "It's mine."  I felt like a huge cat.  "No."  I swatted at her and pushed her into a tree.  I put the fledgling into Vesuvius's cupped hands and pushed him away.  "You!"  I raged at the girl.  She shrank and stared at me.  I kept pushing her backwards.  "You pathetic evil self centered pompous worm headed brat!  You have no respect for anything but yourself!  I am ashamed to say you are Native American.  You are pathetic and cruel and abusive and compassionless."  Push, stumble, splash.  I walked away and left Esmeralda sitting on her butt in shimmy water.  My aunt, an animal expert, checked the bird, and I released it into a patch of cattails.  Emerald came running, holding a stone like a knife.  She flung it and man was she good with stones.  Eight brown feathers fluttered to the ground and the baby bird fluttered in alarm.  She, I named the starling Chestnut, hopped onto the tightly packed vegetation.  I leapt at her and she grasped my arms and tried to stop me from strangling her.  I kneed her in the stomach and left her gasping for air.  My head throbbed cuz she got me again and Vesuvius hauled her back to the food vending spot.  Esmeralda was grounded for the rest of summer. 


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