*Sneak Peak* {Chapter 8.5+Drunken After Party}

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Hey Guys. I'm sorry I haven't posed in forever but I didn't really think about it since my Great-Great uncle passed away. He was 95. Sucks right!?

Well everything must go...

Anyway! Back to the good news! I posed a sneak peek of what happens in the "next" chapter. There's a lot of tension going on right now in this sneak peak! :) I hope you enjoy what little bit I have. The real "chapter" will be coming up. I promise!

Oh Yeah! Guess who won?! As of November 6th : A tie!

Seriously I was shocked too!

I counted if you said both :they both got a point.

If you couldn't chose: they both got one.

Sebastian got nine.

Liam got seven, BUT two ppl inboxed me telling me to pic Liam, that counts right?

Sounds like a double ending right?

I have to Shout-out @AuthorJJones for saying "What would happen if Liam and Sebastian decided to make up and share him? Anyone thinking that? Oh..ok." Such a great idea!

Anybody else up for a sharing? You know what they say...sharing is caring. ;)

“Wait...you knew?” Alex asked feeling slight tippy from the wine he drunk earlier that evening. He shivered as the wind started to pick up as they were standing on the stone balcony, while the party began to pick up downstairs.

Sebastian stood behind him and wrapped his arms around Alex smaller figure. The more drunker of the two tilted his head and looked up at then realized who's arms he was in and pushed him away unknowing hard.

Being pushed Sebastian fell and gazed up at Alex. “Oh..no I'm sorry Sebastian. I-I didn't mean too..” Alex scrabbled trying to find the right words in his hazed state. Sebastian stood up once again and stood in front of Alex unmoving. He cupped Alex bright redden cheeks in his hands and kissed him deeply, passionately with so much missed love. He had him back. He was so happy to have his Alex back. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the idea that his brother was just downstairs and by the look he caught Liam giving Alex that they had a more deeper relationship.

Which made Sebastian very upset, now knowing he knew the loving Alex first before anyone.

So he had dibs first.

Sebastian licked Alex's lips asking for entrance, which Alex gladly opened. Shivering Alex smiled a little in the kiss as his hands went to pull on Sebastian's hair. Sebastian had both his hands in a vice like grip, above Alex's head pinning Sebastian to the railing using his hips. The auburn haired, more taller one thrust his tongue into Alex's mouth that tasted like wine.

Alex felt like he was in a daze and turned his head to move but Sebastian held his chin and kept him in place. Alex couldn't help but feel a bit helpless, his hands were pinned his face held and hips stuck in place, which at the moment he didn't mind.

Until they were pulled away by an angry, red faced Liam. “What the fuck are you doing Alex!” he screamed into Alex face. Alex blinked blankly as he mind started to rejuster slowly under his inclence of alcohol.

A gasp came out of Alex mouth as his cheek burned.

He was slapped.

His eyes burned as the images of what was happening came together quite quickly. Sebastian, kissing, him finding out, and then Liam.

Oh god...Liam! Blushing he turned to find Liam gone from his side, probably stormed off. How could he do that! How could he just go and do that Liam! After all they talked about...the day they shared. After all he's been though? This was his fault. He needed that slap, a wake up call..why was he acting like such a..


Stumbling he tripped off to follow Liam. “L-Liam wait!...Wait!” he said. A strong yet gentle hand grabbed onto his wrist. Turning back to look at the person he gasp tugging away. “n-no...Sebastian...please..i need to go to Liam..” he mumbled trying to pull away.

Sebastian shook his head. “You don't understand what your asking me right now. I just got you...i cant let you go now. I cant, and I wont. I've been searching for you. I...have strong feelings for you Pi- Alex. Even if you weren't who you were and even thought it hurt me so badly that everything was a lie. That kiss...god! That kiss gave me everything I needed to know. I know that we have chemistry and we have a great connection.”

Alex stopped his struggling, his arm limp. He felt so conflicted. “Sebastian...I feel-” A hand was clasped over his mouth and a arm around is chest pulling him up over the persons shoulder.

“You didn't come after me, so I came to get you.” 

A voice said behind them.

Alex felt dread crawl up his spine as he heard the tone in Liam voice. He was in deep,deep shit and there was nothing he could do to get out of it. Damnit! He wanted to go after him, he wanted too...But Sebastian wouldn't let him. Even if he would try and explain that he tried to do it. So he kept his head down and let Liam drag him off to wherever he wanted.

He had a lot of explain to do.

How this happened a week...He had no idea.


COMMENT!!!!!! (did you like the sneak peek? it can always be changed)

VOTE!!!!(if you were just as shock about the tie as I was!!!)

FAN!!!( Because it would make me REALLY happy)

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