7th+ The Advertisement

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Hey babes! Sorry that I haven't been uploading. So much happened while I was away. My mother woke up one day and said "hey we're moving!" So how were homeless (not really)LOL. Then I got a job! My first job ever. Burger king! LMAO! Too bad my coworkers are such bitches...women ;P.

I also gave up my six year dog, jojo!

OH! FUN FACT! (About Sebastian):

Did you know that Sebastian was originally supposed to be a 17 year old blue-haired boy who met Alex at the park and fell madly in love with him. But I didn't see much going with that ya know?

What about you? Would you have liked to see Sebastian as a innocent sweet kind blue haired boy? (Comment! Maybe I can work something out!)


SEBASTIAN LOST! I know I started rooting for him too! Reading and Replying to all your comments made me really happy. Some of you guys gave me great ideas.




"Have you seen me?"  

Mavis looked up with  his usual vacant look as he watched the billboard. A smiling boy with bright vibrant eyes was shown In the 'poster'. A blue Shaw wrapped around his body, matching perfectly with his fluffy wavy hair blue hair. What was going on? If this was for a commercial then that’s a awfully weird way to catch the viewers attention. 

Looking in closely he noticed the screen moving.  

Mavis tilted his head as he watched the young man in the video twirl his head toward the camera smiling while leaning against a window. The man smiled as his hair fell over his eyes making him look like an angel. Another man was suddenly in the shot. A tall handsome, sexy red haired man entered the shot and they stood side by side. After a minute of conversation the blue haired young man was  wrapped around the other man. The blue hair over his eyes making him look mysterious yet loving. 

"Would you show me what love is?" He asked innocently as the auburn haired man places his hands on the bluentte bare waist. Mavis watched as he saw a connection between them.  

He was deeply puzzled.  

Mavis was a international model for famous young adult commercials and a spokesmen for hottopic so he knew a lot of people. But not this guy. Not this blue-haired radiant angel.  

He felt threatened.  

Keeping his signature emotionless looked he gazed around the crowd with his sunglasses watching all of the people around him also looking up at the mega commercial screening board. People of all ages gathered around to looked, more like gawk up at the blue haired angel.  Which he understood. The mysterious man was so captivating.

Who was he? Why was he suddenly gaining so much attention? What did 'Have you seen me even mean?' Adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose he turned on heel away from the growing California crowd. So what this new guy was getting attention. But what did it matter.   

He wasn’t going to last. 

"Alex please talk to me?" Liam asked again for the seventh time that hour. Not a single reaction from the young man for continued to stare into his notebook. Liam was getting upset. No, not upset. He was too rich to get upset. Royally pissed was more like it.

Nobody ignored him. Nobody

So this felt strange for him. He was confused. Any normal person would've jumped for the chance to do what they are doing now. But Alex wasn’t normal. Alex was simply....Alex. Maybe that’s why Liam hasn’t lost interest yet. His secretary always kept him on his toes, always unexpected.  

The Boss Affair {ManxMan}*Short Story*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora