Chapter III: Getting Close

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'Haha, you didn't really do that!' Dianna curled on the bed laughing. 'Wanna bet?' Draco laughed, too, barely getting up from the couch he was going to sleep on. He opened the balcony door. 'Why are you opening the door? Are you crazy? It's like... Two degrees Celsius outside. We'll freeze!' Dianna kept laughing, even though she was trying to be serious. 'Shh, be quiet, you don't want us to get caught, do you? Just cover up.' Draco walked over to the other side of the room and opened one of the drawers of the library. Dianna covered herself up with the blanket on the bed, looking over at Draco to see what he's doing. 'Get caught doing what?' she asked curiously. Draco took two long wine glasses and a bottle of expensive wine, along with a small silver box. He sat down on the couch, making sure the door was locked. 'Let's just relax and kick back?' he asked. 'Tomorrow it's your Quidditch tryout, so you need to be calm. I know this will help.' he opened the silver box and it appeared to be full of - 'Cigarettes?' Dianna asked. Draco nodded. 'Finest of their kind. Rare to find, but luckily my parents love these and smoke them a lot. I always take some packs.' Draco explained taking a leather-covered lighter to light his cigarette. Dianna didn't ask twice and lit hers, too. As the blonde Slytherin smoked his coffin nail, he poured some wine into both of their glasses and handed her hers. 'Thank you.' she smiled, taking it. 'Okay' Draco started, standing up, raising his glass in a toast, continuing: 'Let's see, cheers to today. Cheers to probably the most powerful and sexual meeting both of us have ever had. Cheers to tomorrow's tryout, in hope for you to have the most amazing position in the game. Well, you know what, cheers to you and me!' Draco winked at the sexual part and Dianna laughed. She was waiting for him to end his sayings so she can correct him: 'Not that sex!' they both laughed and drank some wine.

'Night, Ron.' Harry said, switching off the lights. 'Night, Harry.' Ron turned to his side. And then there was a knock on their bedroom door. Harry lit the lamp again and stood up, so he could open the door. 'Ugh, who could this be?!'' Harry cursed, opening the door. 'I have been thinking and I really think we should keep a super close eye on them! The school isn't safe with two possible Death Eaters in it!' Hermione rushed into the room. 'Hermione, seriously?! We were trying to sleep.' Ron sat up. 'Sleep?! There's no time to sleep, we need to check up on them!' Hermione motioned her hands. 'Good luck with that. To get to Slytherin unnoticed the only thing to get us there would be a - 'Harry started, but got cut off by Hermione - 'A portkey?' she shook a little porcelain cat figure. 'Where did you -' Harry got interested. 'Questions later. Now, let's figure the plan out. We need to find them and see what they're up to.' Hermione walked in a circle, like a boss. 'Hm, let's see, they might be... Sleeping.' Ron said, laying back down. 'Don't you lay down, you lazy arse! Get back up again! It is out of question for those two to be sleeping, they've probably already started planning some scheme to burn Dumbledore or kill McGonnagall and whatever. Just get up, both of you, we're going to Slytherin tower!' she commanded. 'I am sure that they are doing something malicious right now!' 

'No, Ace beats Jack!' Dianna placed her playing card on the short wooden table with one hand and drinking her second glass of wine with the other. 'Really? Well I've got a Sergeant! Beat that.' Draco laughed, putting his King card on the table next to Dianna's. 'Already did, my friend. Ace collects all, especially when it's double.' she took all of the cards to her side and Draco sighed. 'I don't get it! How are you so good? I've been beating every single person to have ever come face to me! Are you not cheating?' Draco drank some wine. 'Nuh, Draco, nuh. And since I am the winner, I deserve another cigarette, don't I?' she took the silver box and lighter and lit another cigarette. 'I can see you like these. I'm happy of that fact, though I would be much happier if we played once more, so that I win and decide what my prize would be!' Draco winked at her. She cuddled into her blanket and giggled. 'You pervy little pureblood.' she said, looking at him sit on the opposite of her couch. 'I was going to wish for a car for Christmas!' Draco made up. Dianna laughed. 'Yeah, right, you're not even old enough to get your permit, you fool.' They both sat there and laughed like complete idiots, letting the alcohol lightly catch onto them. 

With the wave of her wand, Hermione made her and her two best friends disappear from the Gryffindor lairs and enter the Slytherin's. 'I wonder which room Snape gave her...' Hermione looked around the corridor. There were still people in it, as it wasn't that late, and the common room was full of pureblood wizards talking about only-He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named-knows. The atmosphere wasn't as in Gryffindor, it was colder and life-eaten. 'Did you take your invisibility cloaks?' Hermione looked at the boys. They both shook their heads for no. She sighed loudly. 'Boy, it's a good thing I think of you two, or else you both would be screwed.' she threw them both their invisibility cloaks. 'Now, search. If you find her, say Appelo and we all gather here, okay.' Hermione nodded as if the only one supposed to agree was her. They all spread, after Hermione said she'd go check the female dorms, Harry was going to check the main room and Ron was supposed to check up on Malfoy, as he was supposed to stand guard in front of the double doors of his room. They all went into positions. Hermione was listening closely to the female whispers in every girl dorm there was in the Slytherin wing. All she could make out was how Dianna was called a manipulative, mind-controlling skank, who was making Draco fall for her. Harry looked around the common room, but there was no sign of Dianna. Only people commenting her. Boys were saying she was 'very appealing and good-looking', girls saying... Yes, it is understandable. But both of their thoughts led to one person she could be with - Draco Malfoy. Both wizards rushed through the corridor, walking fastly towards Ron, who was digging into a piece of chicken, probably taken from the table behind him. He wasn't paying any attention to what was happening inside of the room. 'Ronald Weasely! How could you possibly think of eating rather than taking care of the tiny job we have given you?!' Hermione yelled out whisper-style. 'Sorry - - ' Ron said with his mouth full. Hermione rolled her eyes and glued her head to one of the two doors to Draco's room. 'Haha, no Draco, stop it! Ah! Just ... Apf, stop!' Hermione could barely hear what they were saying or doing in there, but it was obvious that Dianna was yelling. 'They're doing something. I don't think it's anything good!' Hermione said.  'What are you waiting for?! Open the door!' Harry said. Hermione took her wand out and spat: 'Reseratis Foribus' and the doors burst wide open. The three of them got into the room quickly and Hermione cast another spell so the doors close themselves: 'Iuxta Foribus!' The three of them stood straight in front of the dining table, while Draco and Dianna hadn't even noticed the slamming of the doors. They were too busy laughing and Dianna was playfully kicking Draco with her long leg. Hermione stared in disgust as the two wizards exchanged cute looks, ones she wasn't used to seeing a Slytherin do, especially if the Slytherin's name was Draco Malfoy. He seemed different, he seemed... Happy. Hermione was sure she wasn't the only one who could see this. Harry was studying them, too, while Ron was... He was more of a room-studier, rather more than a problem-causer-studier. Hermione rolled her eyes and kept on examining the two of them. Dianna had her back towards the curly-haired Gryffindor, while Draco was facing her. They were enjoying their glasses of expensive wine, smoking onto their long dark blue cigarettes, playing yet another game of cards. 'Why doesn't the lovely lady come sit next to me?' Draco asked, placing his cards on the table happily, thinking he'd won. 'Because the lovely lady is still the winner.' Dianna put her set of cards on the table, making Draco curse out loud. He stood up and walked out on the terrace. Dianna followed him out. 'Look, it's not really a big deal, I mean, I just got lucky the twenty seven times we played...' she touched his shoulder and massaged it lightly. He shrugged. 'It's not because of the game. It's because I'm bloody drunk.' he laughed. 'How can you get drunk from four and a half glasses of wine?!' Dianna asked, laughing along with him. 'Well, excuse me for not being alcohol-resistant like you.' Draco said. 'Come on, I'm cold, let's go to sleep.' Dianna motioned her head to point towards the  lit up room. 'He has a bloody balcony!' Harry whispered out nervously. 'Shh!' Hermione sussed. Diana cuddled into the bed, while Draco just sat down on the couch. 'Aren't you going to sleep?' Dianna asked. 'I won't be able to. Not for another two hours to the least.' Draco said. 'Let's go.' Hermione whispered, taking the portkey out of her robe's pocket. 

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