Chapter IX: We Were Born To Die, You And I

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I was pacing down one of the hills, surrounding Hogwarts, the one, leading to the little town around our school. I had a meeting with my father in the 'Three Broomsticks', the most popular cabaret around. When I got there, I found my father sitting at a table with... Oh, for Merlin's sake, Dianna was sitting with him and they were laughing at something. I swallowed hard and stepped slowly forward towards them. 'Ah, Draco, my boy, have a seat.' my father said warmly, which was untypical for him. I sat down unhurriedly, looking from my father to my significant other. 'Father, I have something to tell you, we have something to tell you...' I tried saying it. I would have been able to, if Dianna wasn't there. She was going to think I was meeting my father just to gloat about my sexual intercourse with her. 'Oh, dear boy, I already know! Your wonderful petite amie told me! You two have gotten a little more serious into your relationship.' my father smiled. 'She has?' I asked. 'Yes, why do you ask? Did you want to be the one to tell me you two have decided to go this Christmas bash together?' he asked me. I sighed in relief. She hadn't told him anything. 'Uh, yes, father, that was what I wanted to tell you! Thank you, beautiful.' I winked at Dianna. She just smiled at me. 

The rest of the little father-son-and-son's-friend meeting went pretty swiftly and by the time I knew it, it was over. Me and Dianna were walking up the hill, back to Hogwarts. I tried to take her hand in mine, but she pulled hers away. I looked at her questioningly. 'What? Do you expect me to be thrilled or something like that?' she asked. I raised an eyebrow. 'What are you talking about?' 'Don't pretend you do not know what I am mad about!' she stopped. I stopped, looking at her. 'Blaise told me everything, Draco! I know you wanted to meet Lucius because you wanted to tell him you and I  had a sexual act. So I decided to spare myself a round of comments and cussing on the behalf of Bellatrix and everyone else back at home. You do understand that physical acts are absolutely forbidden if you are not married, right? I guess no. You were just this close to making us both get into a big, big plight. Good thing I'm not flat as a stick and I have clothes that show cleavage, otherwise I would have never known what was actually on your beady mind when you said you were going to meet your father.' she was yelling. There was a thunder crack, then a lightening bolt not-so-far away. 'Dianna, I - ' I tried speaking. 'Don't, Draco.' she placed her pointer finger on my mouth for me to keep quiet. 'I'm not in for excuses, okay? I don't want to have anything to do with any of this anymore. If this is how it's going to be, then I'm out. I'm oh so very sorry, but I really don't want to see you right now.' she left in the opposite direction. It started raining a little too hard for me or her to handle. I stood there, watching her leave, then I just took off after her. 'Dianna, wait!' I scram after her, reaching her, grabbing her arm. 'What do you want?' she didn't dare looking into my eyes, trying to most-likely avoid the 'ultra shock' in between us. 'I am very sorry. I'm not sure why you are so mad, but I would do anything to make it up to you.' I said. 'Oh, really? Then leave me alone.' she tried getting her hand out of my grip, though I held it tightly. 'Ugh...' she muttered. 'No. Dianna, it's been six months since we first met and I think that it is safe for me to tell you that you are the most incredible and beautiful girl I have ever met. You deserve everything in this world. I have never been this good of a person to anyone, not even my own mother! You change my point of view, even though you're usually worse than me. I know this may sound tawdry, but I don't care, you and I, since the moment we were born, have been heading to the moment when we die. And unfortunately we do not control that moment and the time it comes. We can only control our reactions. The truth is that I have never been in love before, and this feeling - I will not lie - it is very new to me, but I think that I like it. I like the way I feel whenever I'm with you. I like how I can be my real self in front of you. I think I'm in love with you. No - I am in love with you, Dianna Rubin. And sometimes love is not enough and I don't know how, or why, but we need more than psychical, we need physical contact. We had that type of contact, I liked it, a lot, for that matter. I was going to tell my father, because he always gave me advice. When he understood we were going out, he nearly spat his drink out, he was that surprised. But then he told me you are beautiful and intelligent and I fit you perfectly, since we have a lot in common. He wasn't going to let anyone know. He is surely one of the people in the world I can tell anything, knowing it won't get public. That's why I was going to tell him in specific. Don't get mad with me.' by the time I finished, it was raining over us, but neither of us seemed to understand. She was looking at the ground. She was shivering. 'Are-are you crying?' I asked, concerned. She shook her head. That was her way of saying 'yes', I know it's unusual. I pulled her into my arms. She paused for a moment before putting her arms around me as well. She rested her head on my shoulder, crying into it. 'Shh, it's okay.' I comforted her. I didn't really understand why she was crying. 'Draco, look, I - I... I'm so, so sorry.' she said. 'I love you, too' she whispered in my ear, then she backed away from me, taking my hand, pulling me onto the walking alley.

Come, take a walk on the wild side, 

Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

 We walked for a few moments, when she stopped and I followed. She looked into my eyes. 'You could have told me all of this earlier. I feel like a skank for showing cleavage to your friend.' she looked down. I pulled her chin up, so she was looking in my eyes. That electric shock reappeared once more. It was getting pretty common to everyone at school, it had happened so many times, but to us, it was still unfamiliar and odd. I closed her eyes. 'Kiss me.' she ordered. I waited no more and planted my lips on hers. The rain was falling roughly on us. It was very, very cold. It was winter, and it was raining. But the kiss - it felt like no other, it was... Magical. 

Choose your last words,

This is your last time - 

Because you and I,

We were born to die.

Those particular lines I had found earlier that day in Dianna's belongings. They were lyrics, obviously. She was an incredible song-writer. So I used them in my sayings when I was apologizing to her. I loved her. I loved her more than I loved myself, which was a lot. 

I quoted the song of Lana Del Rey, which I am obsessed with. If you haven't listened to it whilst reading this, re-read and listen ahah it is very romantic<3 From now on, I will add a song to each chapter <3

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