Chapter IV: Almost There

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'Did you guys see his room?! He had everything! It was immense! It was incredible!' Ron scram enthusiastically. 'Well did you see the balcony? The view was spectacular!' Harry gesticulated. 'Guys, shut up!' Hermione yelled. They all sat in front of the fireplace. 'It's like... Eleven thirty. You're talking about the room and it's view. Did you actually see them?!' Hermione asked. 'Yeah, so?' Ron asked. The witch rolled her eyes. 'You lunatic! It was more than obvious that our beloved Draco has finally opened his feelings for someone other than himself.' Hermione said. Ron had a puzzled look on his face. 'He likes this girl!' she exclaimed. 'So?' Harry asked. 'So I think we should take a close look at them. Keep them under eye. At all time.' she demanded. 'Why? What's so awful in being in love?' Harry asked. 'Nothing, when you're normal. But when you're a Malfoy, love isn't a often found word in your dictionary, now is it? Don't answer. It's just too dangerous. If it were someone else, no problem, but Dianna Rubin, she is a born Death-Eater, one the purest and biggest ones out there, and I'm sure somewhere on those long arms of hers she's got the mark. And I'm guessing Draco does, too. So they are far too dangerous one for another, neverless for everyone else. They might kill us. Destroy us. With simply a glare, nothing more. They both are far too powerful while alone, imagine what a killer weapon the would be to You-Know-Who if they got together.' Hermione said. Harry and Ron nodded. 'Look, we're tired. We're going to bed.' Ron said, him and Harry standing up. Hermione nodded and smiled weakly at them. 

'Can't sleep?' Draco asked. The room was dark by then, with only the stars' shine lighting it up. Dianna was motionless, but said a lazy 'Yes'. 'Me, too.' Draco said. 'I probably won't fall asleep soon.' she stared at the ceiling. 'Why so?' Draco asked, sitting up. 'See, before my mother passed away, she usually sang to me and caressed me so I would fall asleep.' she explained. 'Want me to help?' Draco suggested warmly. 'Sure, if you're not too lazy...' Dianna said. 'I'm still a little dizzy, but I'll be okay.' he sat on the edge of the bed, next to Dianna. She was still staring at the ceiling. 'What are you thinking about?' Draco asked her. 'Life. Whatever.' she blinked. 'Give me your hand.' Draco demanded. 'Sit on my right.' Dianna said. 'No. Why? No, just give me your hand I don't care if - ' he instantly muted his words as she gave him her hand. 'You're a - ' Draco tried putting it together. 'Yes, big whoop. Now what were you going to do with my hand?' she asked. Draco smiled. He ran his fingers over her bare skin. She instantly reacted to his touch. His feather-light caresses moved up and down her whole arm, and mostly circulating around the elbow, where she was most sensitive. 'What are you doing?' she asked him, biting her lip, holing our a light sigh of pleasure. She was really easy to turn on, by the looks of what the blonde wizard was doing. 'You said your mother caressed you.' 'My hair, Draco, not my arm...' she said weakly. 'Well don't you like it?' he whispered. His low voice went through her like a hunter's arrow. 'I do, a lot.' she said. 'And she sang to you? But I don't really know what to sing...' he said sadly. 'It's like you're a drug, it's like you're a demon I can't face down, it's like I'm stuck, it's like I'm running from you all the time' Dianna sang out quietly. Draco's eyes got wider. 'You sing amazingly.' he said. 'And I know I let you have all the power, it's like the only company I seek is misery all around' she continued. Draco awed in amazement. 'It's like you're a leach, sucking the life on me, it's like I can't breathe, without you inside of me, and I know I let you have all the power, and I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time...' she sang out once more. Draco lightly pushed her so he could lay down next to her and listen to her sing more. Then she suddenly rose her voice more than he had imagined she could. 'It's like I can't breathe, it's like I can't see anything - nothing but you, I'm addicted to you, it's like I can't think, without you interrupting me, in my thoughts; in my dreams - you're taking over me, it's like I'm not me...' she finished out with a little falsetto, making her beautiful voice reveal itself for Draco. He clapped his hands. 'I don't think I would be able to sing that...' he said. 'I'm actually sleepy...' she said. 'Should I go to the couch?' Draco asked. 'No, you can stay here.' she said, turning around and closing her eyes shut. Draco kept caressing her hand lightly and she drifted off into sleep. 

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