Chapter 7

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hey guys, i just wanted to let you know that i'll try to update more often that i am. With all the school work, family stuff, and trying to graduate, it's been rough to turn things around. So, anyway, i'll try to show you more of this. i know you guys out there love it. hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 7- The Escape

When the light cleared, we were in a metal base of some sort. scourge dragged me down a dark hallway. I struggled against him and tried to get free. "Scourge, why are kidnapping me"? Scourge just shook his head in amusement. "I already told you". "You don't need to know". I then glared at him. He stopped in front of a white and silver door. He opened it and threw me in. He came in behind me and locked the door. Scourge then took out hand cuffs and i started to flip out. I started running around the room, with him chasing me. He pushed me towards the bed and handcuffed one of my wrists to the bedpost. Scourge then took my other arm and grip it tight. He then came closer to me til our noses were touching again. "comfortable"? he said sending goose bumps down my back. I then tried to move away from him, but he held me tighter to keep me still. I closed my eyes in fear as he kissed my lips and started rubbing my sides. He closed his eyes and was in a trance. I opened my eyes and took my free hand and slapped him. He then backed up. "Fun's over......for now". He then smirked evilly and winked at me and caused me to gulp and fill up with fear. (Which made him happier). "i'm on a mission, i'll be back to get you". He then started leaving. "WHAT"! "Your gonna leave me in here, alone, like this"!?!? He then nodded. "NOOOO"! I yelled as he closed the door, leaving. "What am i gonna do now"? I asked myself.   Sonic's point-of-view: I never thought he would come back and take one of us. Knowing Scourge, he's probably trying to get too close to her. Wonder where he took her and if she's ok? "Sonic"? I looked up to see everyone starring at me. "What's the plan"? asked blaze. I then shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know". Everyone gasped. "That's a first". said Rouge. I then glared at them. Everyone then turned around and saw Shadow looking at the ground. He bent over and picked up a red and black necklace. It had a note on it. "to shadow"? he asked himself. He then opened the necklace and "over and over" by three days grace, started playing. "I love this song". he said to himself. He looked in the locket to see a picture of him and sophie, together. On the back of the note, it said "I love you lots and always thinking of you". "Love sophie". Shadow then closed the locket and looked away. "I'm gonna find her, no matter what". Shadow said and stormed off. We all got out of the hole and went inside. "We have to come up with a plan to save her, before it's too late". I said in my head. I then headed inside.       Normal point-of-view: I can't take it anymore! How long have i been in here? "GOSH"! "How tight are these handcuffs"? I asked myself.  I kept tugging at them over and over again, but it still didn't budge. "What are they made out of, silver"? "Break cuffs, BREAK"! I then saw the door knob shake. I then gasped and threw my self on the floor, at the end of the bed. The door swung open and a hedgehog was thrown in here. The door then suddenly closed and locked. I observed the hedgehog "Shadow"? i asked. The hedgehog then looked up at me. "what"? "I'm not shadow". The hedgehog had a female voice". "what"? i asked confused. She then stood up and started banging on the door. "Let us out"! "JERK"! she yelled continuing to bang on the door. She then stopped and looked at me. (she looks exactly like shadow, only with long, black hair). "Who are you"? i asked. "I'm lily, lily the hedgehog". she smiled. "And you are"? "Sophia Brook". ""Please, call me sophie". "nice to meet you, sophie". "you too". i responded as we shook hands. We then released our handshake and she sat down beside me. "I'm guessing that green hedgehog did this to you, huh"? "yeah". I responded clutching up my fists. "his name is scourge". I finished. It then grew an awkward silence until i broke it.  "So, have any idea why he brought you here"? I asked. "no idea". "I was walking peacefully down the street, until i was immediately grabbed and here i am". She then looked at me. "What about you"? I then looked away. "not sure". "He took me away from my friends and most boyfriend". "Oh, that's horrible". she responded shedding a tear. "It's ok though". "will find a way out of here, somehow". I then struggled against my cuffs. "please, allow me". Lily then placed her hand near the chain, so the inside of the hand was facing it. The chain then started heating up and it turned red. I gave her a  surprise look. "how are you doing that"? i asked. She then smiled. I figured it out not too long ago". her hand started to shake "uh oh". "what"? i asked.. "i'm about to lose control". all of a sudden, the chain caught on fire. "AHHHHH"! I yelled and water shot from my hands and put out the fire. Lily looked at me surprised as well. "how did you do that"? she asked. "I'm not sure". "I figured out i could do that earlier today". I smiled awkwardly. The chain was then dark black. I then yanked hard and it broke suddenly. "YES"! "I'M FREE"! Lily hushed me. "sorry". "I've been trying to get out of that all day". We then heard a helicopter outside the building. "What the....". we both yelled together. We looked out the window (by the way, it was locked, so we couldn't escape). We saw a yellow and orange helicopter a few feet away. "who's that"? lily asked. I then smiled. "oh, just an.......old friend". "GET BACK"! they yelled. We jumped back as they blew up the wall. "come on"! chaz hedgy yelled as jimmy ran by his side. We jumped in the helicopter and took off.

My life with shadow the hedgehog (sequel to my shadowy life)  (#Wattys2014)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum