US paps prt 6

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A/n: so I've decided, your are a tusendere neko, and upon entering I get 10 views on le poem book, there's going to be a underfell papyrus x reader

One night later....

Paps POV

Y/n woke up from her slumber and she sits straight to rub her eyes with her sleeves. "G'mornin sunshine" I say sloppily. Y/n turns her head to the left and tilts her head. "Huh?" A warm blush forms on my cheek bones. Why does she have too look so........I shake my head, I don't want to think these types of things when I know that month of the year will come again (heat). I sigh and shake y/n a little to clear her vision.

Your POV

My vision clears a little and I see Paps sleeping right next to me. "WUT?!" You say aloud. You start thinking about what the hell Paps was doing on you bed. You fell out and landed on your back. You groan in pain and sit up. You cross your arms and stare at the tall skeleton on your bed. "What the hell were you doing on my bed?!" You say while blushing profusely. "I just wanted to make you comfortable." Paps said with a wink. "Plus, you seemed to enjoy me sleeping on you."

" where sleeping ON me?"

"Shit... I wasn't suppose to say that. I'm terribly sorry y/n but when i let go of you, you started yelling and moving around, I don't know why, but I got off you after, I swear."

You remember the dream about Paps.....wait...that means when you hugged him.
, you were actually hugging him. The thought made you get up and go outside to blush I'm the bathroom.

"Wait y/n! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get you scared."

Once you were in the bathroom, you decided you where holding your ears in your head to much. You let's your cat like ears point out of your head. A tail also comes out from the back of you. Your sigh in relief and start getting ready for the next day, hoping you don't see vins.

Paps POV

Oh lord, I didn't mean to make y/n this mad. Once she gets out of the bathroom I'll apologize. Guilt looms over me while I walk to the kitchen. Suddenly I see a pink glow in the living room, I walk over and see a small skeleton wearing a pink shirt and black pants staring at me. "Hi there!" She says cheerfully. "What the hell are you doing in my house?!" I say with my left eye turning a neon orange. " I'm y/n friend! Nice to meet ya Paps!" She gets off the sofa and extended her bony arm to shake my hand. I shake it faintly since I still don't trust a stranger just barging into my house. " did you know my name?" I say a bit creeped out. "Oh, y/n and me hanged out a bit and she told me about you." Y/n talked about me? "What did she say?" "Well with all the things she said to me, she has a major crush on you!" I don't like this skeletons slang. A warm orange blush forms around my face. "I know I'm good to look at
, but ya don't need to show me." Vins said with a wink. Suddenly I hear footstep coming down the stairs. I'm a,ready starting to dislike this....skeleton.

Your POV

I wore my robe and tucked my ears and tail in. I was walking down the stairs and hear Paps talking to someone. I start to panic a little but then I think it could just be sans. I mean, what are the odds of vins just showing up at our house and talking to papyrus. Once I get to the living room I see a pink glow forming around the room...there's also an orange glow too. Oh no. I walk lazily I to the room just happens to be vins talking to papyrus.

"Hey y/n I decided to Stay here for a while since my house is pretty messed up, I hope ya don't mined."

Part of me is saying to let her stay, the other part reminds me of the dream. I look at Paps and for some reason he's blushing. Once he looks at me, he's blushing even more. I grabs Paps by his sleeve and say to vins. " excuse us for a moment vins." "Alright." She says in her normally cheerful tone. I take Paps to our bedroom and say...

"Do you want her to stay?"

"If you want my honest, but, it would be kinda rude to let her go, and if you care, I'm not really gonna talk to her." He says with a wink.

" what?! No, I'm definitely not saying it because I like you or anything." You cross your arms and puff out your cheeks.

"Right." Paps Said.

Paps started hugging me tightly and runes his teeth on my forhead.

We walk down stairs to vins and told her that she can stay for a while but not for long.

"Thank you guys so much!" She comes to hug me and I return the gesture. She goes to hug Paps....I see a pink blush for on her cheek bones and she lingers around Paps more.

This is going to be one heck of a week. You say with jealousy stuck in your mouth.

Underswap papyrus (sans....?) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now