Drunk papyrus prt 3 (well he technically isnt drunk anymore :p)

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Papyrus takes you to his bedroom and puts you on his bed.
"Well sleep tight." He says with a wink and kisses you on the forehead. You blush and cover your face with le blanket. This makes pap blush and chuckle. He gets out of the room and you feel empty. You suddenly feel a longing for him. To snuggle up against his bones. And then you just realized you have a skeleton fetish (you JUST noticed that .____. ......I don't blame ya.). You close your eyes hoping tomorrow will be better. Once you start to doze off, you feel someone's presence......it has a pink glow..... Your curiosity beats you and you open your left eye. It's a skeleton. You open both eyes and you place a lazy grin on your face. (-gives you a grin to put on your face-).

"Hey vins!" You say eagerly.

"Hey y/n! Your still gonna show me around snowdin town (I hope someone gets this reference .-.) right?"

"Sure. But....um....how did you know where I live?"

"Ummmm......" Pinkish Sweat pours down vins face. "No need to answer that now, let's just go!"

Vins grabs your hand and suddenly your at the forest part of snowdin. In front of the gate that leads to the ruins. I hope asgore is having fun with sans. You still see undynes' camera behind the rock. Maybe she was too busy watching mew mew kissy  cutie........or is she still watching you? You shake your head ignoring that thought and you look at vins. Her face has blushing pink of excitement.

"So.....umm... This is the forest as you can see..." You start off awkwardly.

"Yea ya, let's just go meet the people!" Vins grabs your hands and you feel a huge gust of wind and your suddenly at snowdin town. ......wut?

"So, who is the bunny lady over there?" She says pointing at a store that has a bunny lady In it. She's wearing her hat like always.......you wonder if its stuck on her head.

"Oh, she's just a shop owner that's all. She can give you some info about sans and pap, but I don't think it's that useful. And there's the library, it has books on monster history and all that other stuff. And there's muffets'. It's where we hang out"you say boringly "and it's where someone drugs you." You say under your breath.

"What was that last part?" Vins said

"Oh nothing really." You say while scratching the back of your neck.

"Well, thanks for showing me around! Imma go talk to onionsan! Bye friend!" Then All the sudden vins disappears leaving a Pink glow behind her.
Well that was more boring then you thought it would be. You return home and see apps laying down on the bed. You have a little smirk on your face and kiss his cheek bones. You walk up too your bedroom and go to sleep.

You didn't notice a huge orange glow coming from papyrus' face.

I'll make sure to add fluff in the next chapter. But for now....BOI!

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