Chapter 1 // Return of the Heir

Start from the beginning

"I can and I will," Imelda snapped, "And I will continue to do so until it is stopped and we talk." I glanced at Cedric, who continued to stare at Imelda with a stony expression. The priest was infuriated, his cheeks flushed red and his chest puffed up indignantly. I sighed and stood up again, feet assaulted by my shoes as they took my weight.

"Very well," I snapped, "Let us just speak with her." She was partly right. I didn't really care for being queen. But that didn't mean I was going to drop the responsibility onto just anyone's shoulders. The priest threw his hands up in the air with a sigh and stormed away, crown still clutched tightly in his fingers. The crowds slowly turned and glared at Imelda with distaste and angry murmurs buzzed around the room like a hive of bees.



"Little whelp."

I had to admire Imelda, even slightly, as she walked past them all, ignoring their remarks, without her composure even wavering. It was certainly something I wouldn't have been able to do.


We met in a small circular stone room, with only small arched windows towards the ceiling offering a little dim light. I could hear the dull buzz of voices throughout the castle as they waited for mine, or Imelda's return. I felt like Thalandor had become a huge hive, and the workers outside awaited the appearance of the new queen bee.

Imelda stared at me from across the room, and now, up close, I could see she was incredibly beautiful. Despite the fact that her clothes were torn and dirty, and her hair was a mess, her eyes were large and a rich dark green, so shockingly familiar though I couldn't place why. She had the angular features of the elves, with dark rich skin, but she lacked the white tattoos I had seen on the skin of Natona's tribe. I wondered if it was because she was from a different tribe, or maybe like Natona now, she didn't have one.

She noticed my stare and met it, her dark eyes swallowing me whole. I had to admit, even as she just stood there, her chin jutting out in an imperial manor, and the way she held herself, she could easily pass as a queen – if she was cleaned up.

But it made me suspicious. For a woman who claimed to have been raised amongst commoners, who only recently discovered she was royal – it did not explain her haughty demeanour or her arrogant, proud stance. If anything she should be showing respect, if not to me, but an already recognised monarch, Cedric.

"I want you to give me that crown." Imelda snapped, holding out her hand. "We both know it belongs to Me." she fidgeted, smoothing her hair away from her face. Though she shared the dark skin and sharp features of other elves, I noticed her differences to Natona. Natona had been taller, with thinner limbs. Imelda was curvier and smooth, where Natona had been harsh and straight lines.

"I will not give you the crown." I said calmly, "Not until you can prove yourself." Cedric stood beside me, arm wrapped around my waist. I felt safe and confident with him there, like no matter what Imelda tried to do, I would be okay. Slightly behind us Lance waited, a constant sentinel, poised to act.

"Well, this is all rather awkward." A snide voice said from the doorway. My heart leapt into my throat and I whirled to see a tall figure standing there, black hair draped charmingly around his face and green eyes sparkling. His shirt was slightly open and I could see the gleaming dragon tattoo swirled across his skin. He looked exactly as I had remembered, though the skin around his eyes was slightly tighter, as if he were tired.

"Claude!" I cried happily, "I thought you had gone!"

"I did go." He said coolly, "But I decided to come back. Sorry to disappoint, but I was worried that you had somehow managed to kill yourself. Trip and fall out a window, perhaps? I wouldn't put that level of stupidity past you." I ignored his jibes and broke away from Cedric, flying at Claude and pulling him into a hug. I had really missed him, surprisingly. He froze against me, a statue. He looked shocked – he had obviously not expected that reaction.

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