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Friends make us stronger everyday.

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I entered my house and got hit in the face with a shoe as world war three went on in my very own living room.

I swear everyone hates me.

I walked upstairs heading into my room and slammed the door shut.

I'm really fucking tired of their shit.

Pulling out my earphones I plugged them into my phone and blast out the noise around me.

My phone vibrated sliding off of my leg and I looked down in shock to see that I. Alex Grey. Actually had a message that WASN'T negative. I repeat


Unknown Number: Hey cutie.

Alex: Who is this??

Unknown Number: Some things are best kept secret. -winking face-

Alex: Do you value your life? If so you better tell me that secret.

Jacob: Damn okay its Jacob. The guy from the bus.

Alex: ●__ˍ

Jacob: I know I'm cute but you don't have to stare.

Alex: Oh trust me I wasn't staring. Why are you so cocky?

Jacob: Why are you so violent?

Alex: You have a point. I'm gonna let that slide.

Alex: Oh by the way, do you love the outdoors? Or trees? -smirking emoji-

Jacob: For the love of pizza I swear that tree wasn't there when I got off of the bus.

Alex: I'm pretty sure it was there.
( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)

Jacob: Bye Alex -laughing emojis-

I put my phone down and finished my homework while blasting Pierce The Veil from my earphones.

I wonder how he got my number.


Not even bothering to eat dinner I took a shower and went to bed.

I can't believe I have detention.

On a weekend!!

Welp. Gotta get my ugly sleep.

Walking out the door I got into my black toyota and threw my backpack into the backseat. I can't believe I have 2 hours of this.

I opened the door and at the back of the classroom a girl with white hair and long black socks smiled at me. I looked around the room for someone I knew and sighed when i couldn't find anyone.

The teacher was on his phone texting so I took out a sheet of paper and began to draw what came to mind.

When I was done a picture of big brown eyes stared back at me and I smiled at my work.

Those eyes..

The teacher dismissed us and I ran to my car. I checked my phone and I had no messages as usual so I drove home.

I threw my backpack onto my bed and decided to go for a run because I'm lazy and I might not workout for another 3 years.

Grabbing my phone and earphones I made my way onto the sidewalk and I ran.

It was Sunday and I decided to stay in bed all day. I logged onto my Instagram and my throat fell out of my ass when I read the comments on my latest picture.




Piece of shit

Go slit your wrist fucking emo

Drink Bleach!

Nobody likes you go die

Eww she's so fat

Disgusting pig

I hope you die today

Why would she even post a picture of herself shes ugly.

I won't let then get to me this year.

Not this time.

I need some air.

I walked outside and closed my door walking down the street but stopped as soon as I saw him.


~🌹Alex is so strong and I love her Personality~🌹


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