"Optimus is sending me off on patrol. Wanna come with?"

"I don't know, Smokescreen," I started. "I'm not really in the mood for--"

"Optimus asked me to take you for a drive," Smokescreen said. He sighed. "He... He thought it would help take your mind off things..."

I thought about it for a moment then nodded. Smokescreen smiled softly before transforming into a flashy race Lotus Exige. Guess he never learned the meaning of "low-profile".

"Hop in."


"So, how long have you been on earth?" I asked Smokescreen as he continued down the road.

"Only a few months," he answered. "I arrived with Strongarm, so we're both a little new to the team and not as use to your planet. But we've got the basics: blend in and don't draw attention."

"I'm not so sure you got the last one right," I said in a joking manner. "Race cars aren't exactly low-profile."

Smokescreen laughed. "Well, what can I say? I like having style."

I rolled my eyes, but smiled. Despite being a bit cocky, it was pretty easy to like Smokescreen.

"Wait... I'm picking up two Cubertronian life signals," Smokescreen suddenly said. His tone made me feel uneasy. "And they're not Autobots."


My warning came too late. I screamed as Smokescreen was rammed off the road. Images flashed through my mind as the world around me seemed to slow down: The words To Punish and Enslave on Barricade's door, my aunt's lifeless body, the sound of sirens...

"Alyssa, you okay? ALYSSA!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at Smokescreen. I never even noticed that he transformed. He was cradling me in his servos, looking down at me worriedly.

"You're not hurt, are you?!" He asked urgently. I shook my head. Smokescreen sighed in relief before gently setting me down.

"Well, well, well," a voice sneered. "If it isn't my old friend, Smokescreen."

Smokescreen and I looked up to see a gleaming red mech with ruby optics smirking down at us. Smokescreen growled as he glared darkly at the mech.

"Knock Out!" He spat. "I'm surprised to see you here. Isn't it a bit early for you to risk ruining your paint job?"

"I think it's you're paint job that you should be worrying about," Knock Out said as a large dark blue mech approached Smokescreen from the left.

"I was kinda hoping Bulkhead would be here," the mech growled as he came closer. Smokescreen moved in front of me and readied his fists.

"Sorry to disappoint, Breakdown," he snarled.

"Just hand over the human and we'll be on our merry way," Knock Out demanded, holding out his servo. Was he dim enough to think I'd just let them take me that easily. I was just glad Smokescreen was thinking the same thing.

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