18. Blackout

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Lily's POV

How did he get those scars? The words are out of my mouth quicker than I could retrieve them, what can I say, I am nosey and I am intrigued to find out more information about the boy I once used to know, who I actually have zero clue about.

I see the corners of his mouth turn up into a 'U' shape and he unexpectedly bursts out laughing, causing me to rewind and ask myself; 'Did I say something funny?'.

Reading my bewildered expression he replies, "Sorry, it just sounded so cheesy. But yeah, to answer your question. After...eh stuff at home went on I got into fights, hung about with some great but freaky guys, ended up getting a police record by the age of 14. And no, not in a badass way, just in a dumbass way. Oh and sometimes when Dad tried to discipline me that resulted in a scar or two...", he shakes his head.

I can tell he didn't really like sharing this stuff, but to be honest I genuinely want to know more about him, I do actually care.

"Ah, interesting. I wasn't really expecting anything dramatic to be honest, the more I spend time with you, the more you seem to come across as a geek rather than a rebel", I smile.

It's true though, the amount of bull that circles the school about this person called Jason Valentine, this bad guy gone wild, his mother dead causing him to go off the rails, when a matter of fact, yeah he may have been in fights, did go off the rails a little but, he's smart, funny and surprisingly dorky. People just like to paint the picture they want to see.

"You know, it's weird, how I thought I had you all figured out and that I knew you, but I actually never really knew you...I guess I was just as bad bby judging you all these years", I slide my hand up and down my arm in hope that they'd warm up.

"Nah, you were right about a few things. I wasn't nice to you, I can't take it back, I just had so much resentment towards your Dad, I guess I thought that by taking my anger out on you it would make me feel better, but it just didn't. I still hate your dad, for more reasons than one now", He roughs up the back of his hair, causing some hair to stick up at the front.

I nod my head in agreement, I love my Dad, as much as he didn't show the concern I thought he would've or heartbreak, when Mom died... I know for a fact he will be tearing his hair out and freaking out at the thought of me going missing.

"Crap", Jason snaps through my thoughts.


"There's camera's riddled all over the place, your Dad or your friends have most probably put out out a missing person's report about you. IF they pick you up on the camera's we'll be done for", he nibbles at his bottom lip.

"So what are you suggesting we do exactly? Dye my hair? Cut it? Dress me up as a guy?", I roll my eyes.

"I am being serious Lily, I mean not about the whole cross-dressing thing, you can't look suss. How about if we just get a wig or something I don't know", he slaps his forehead.

"I think you are overthinking this. Just get some sleep. If we lay low, we'll be fine", I yawn with sleep deprivation.

He nods at me slightly and rolls on his side, turning his back to me.

I mirror his actions and nod off into a sleep.


I feel my breath hitch and something covers my mouth, my eyes shoot open and before I can react there's a blanket of darkness shut over me. I feel myself come back again and there's something pressed to my forehead, I can almost make out a gun shaped object but the lighting is too dark to confirm. My screams are muffled by what seems to be tape over my mouth, where am I? And where is Jason?! 

I can feel the presence of someone in front of me, their breathing slow and calm, unusual for a situation like this. The air smells stale and cold, like we are somewhere far away from the real world. I can barely see anything and the only thing I see to feel is sheer worry and the tears falling down my face.

"Now, now theres no need to cry...this will all be over before you know it!", the familiar voice jabs my mind like a knife, no way.



GUYS!! I am sooooo sorry I haven't updated. This is a tiny filler just until I figure out a few things and get around to updating again! I promise you all, it will not be long. I have been focusing on my work at the minute and have had no time to really update at all. But I am back and ready to finally finish this story. I hope you are all well and have had a wonderful day, and I thank you a million times over for 100k reads, I am so appreciative of it! I shall be back in a week or so to update and finally answer all of your burning questions. 

All my love,

Awritersplanet x

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