42 | The Imprinting

Start from the beginning

Bella couldn't help but break out into a small grin herself. "Too weird?"

"No, that's not too weird." He shook his head and smiled slightly. "It's beautiful. And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation."

From the hallway, Adele covered the receiver on her phone and called out,  "Yes, because unique is the word we would use for this so-called situation!"

"I agree with Adele." said Jacob, half-joking.

"What? No nickname?" Bella raised an eyebrow. Jacob always had a name for the Cullens, besides Carlisle and Esme, because they never pissed him off. "You actually called her by her name."

"I always have." He shrugged. "She earned it."

More like you like her, Bella thought, but her thoughts her cut short when the cup in her hand slipped from her fingers and crashed to the floor, spattering blood everywhere. She stupidly bent down to retrieve it and  the loud, sickening crack of her spine demanded a heart-stopping silence. She gasped, arched her back from the pain, and went falling to the floor.

 "BELLA!" Edward caught her head as Jacob and Rosalie caught her body before it made hard impact with the floor and caused more damage. Adele dropped her phone, ran into the room, and it took her two seconds to access the situation.

"GET HER INTO THE STUDY! NOW!" Carlisle wasn't there to help her, and that passed the torch onto her. Bella's life was in her hands now.

The four of them gently picked her up as she writhed silently in pain, rushed her down the hall, and bursted into the study. As they set her down on the examination bed, she gasped and cried out in pain.

"Rosalie, get the morphine!" Edward barked. 

Rosalie sped over to the table, filled an injection with morphine, and injected it into her arm. "The baby needs to come out! Now, or she'll die!"

Bella's face contorted with fear.

"Adele," Edward began as she retrieved her father's surgical tools. "Are you ready?"

"SHUT UP AT MOVE!" She washed her hands, put on gloves, and grabbed a scalpel in the span of two seconds. It made Bella's already fuzzy mind spin.

"We need to let the morphine spread!" Edward exclaimed as his still heart clenched in his chest at the sight of his wife in such agony.

"There's no time!" exclaimed Rosalie, ashen-faced. "She's dying!"

"Get her out!" Bella screamed through gritted teeth.

Adele smeared her swollen belly with beta-fine surgical scrub and pressed the sharp blade of the scalpel to her flesh. Before she could make a single incision, a fearful and wary Edward grabbed her wrist. His silent plea save my wife rung over and over in his chaotic mind.

"Do you trust me?"

When he saw how calm she was in the face of this horrid situation, he finally trusted her. She could do this.  He closed his eyes, sighed, and nodded. "I trust you."

"I apologize in advance, Isabella." She returned her attention to the dying human on her surgical table and pressed the blade of the scalpel. As she sliced through her flesh, Bella caterwauled and Edward dry-sobbed. She continued the rest of the way across her belly until the cecearean incision was complete.

Alice fled from the room – she couldn't handle the blood ans the sight of the best friend like that – while Rosalie stood to the side with Jacob. Adele shut her eyes for the smallest second. Live, live, live. When she opened them again, she was reaching into her stomach and carefully pulled the baby out into her chaotic new world. She handed the baby off to a blubbering Edward, whose entire persona changed as he realized he was now the father of a beautiful baby girl. Renesmee Carlie Cullen.

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