Ch.7 Maybe its just the fever

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Ok honestly I am kinda pissed, i had a chapter written and everything and it got all deleted somehow.


Bryn woke up the next morning shaking with fear and feeling sick to her stomach.
The "dream" had turned into a nightmare, curled up into her brain and displayed itself to her behind her closed eyelids a she had slept.

She was shaking and sticky with sweat, her mouth dry.

This was a terrible day to start a morning.
It was Thursday morning, Anna had come over the other day but Bryn hadn't been able to tell her about her "dream"

Some time yesterday she had noticed that the skin around her wrists were red and raw and they stung a little, it was clear proof that what had happened yesterday was no dream.

Bryn had spent the rest of the day smiling and laughing with Anna and then her parents at dinner, although she had a slight headache from the fever and her right nose was still runny while the other was blocked, she hated it when that happened.

When she woke up today, the dream didn't help her feel any better.
But there was no way she was staying at home, normally she would have jumped at the chance to, but she was not risking getting kidnapped at home again.
"You look like crap"
Bryn turned to glare at the source of that annoying comment and saw Cameron Dallas looking at her with amusement and a little bit of concern

"Would you shut up" Bryn said hotly, making Cameron laugh a little "whats up with the attitude?"

Cameron Dallas was Bryn's best friend other than Anna,
Bryn had plenty other friends but usually her social circle only included Anna and Cameron.

"Also Im hurt, why didn't I get an invite yesterday but Anna did? Are you playing favouritism?" Cameron asked, faking a hurt look on his face

"Thought you had soccer practice after school?" Bryn furrowed her eyebrows, her headache beginning to pound against her skull

"Yah, but an invite would have been nice" He whined,

Cameron was over all a pretty hot dude, he had black hair, eyes the colour of coffee and mocha coloured skin. His features were fairly angular, and being in the soccer team had earned him a great deal of muscles so he was more buff than lean.

It was obvious that a majority of the girl population in the school were in love with him, even a number of guys actually.

But Cameron had eyes only for the one love of his life, Rosita, his car.

Yes, thats right, his car, called Rosita. His red Porsche panamera 2015, to be fair it was a sweet ride, but Bryn didn't think she would fall in love with it.

Putting that fact aside, a majority of the girls were slightly bitter about the fact that Cameron would rather hang out with Bryn than them, which boosted her ego quite a lot.

But Cameron was a peppy type of guy, quite cheerful and his constant chatter that usually entertained her, today was fuelling Bryn's anger for no known reason.

"Sorry, I'll invite you next time then"

Cameron frowned as he sensed her slightly snappy tone;

"hey, are you ok?" Cameron stopped walking and grabbed her arm, looking at her with a concerned expression, Bryn sighed,

"yah, Im sorry, Its just that I have a cold, and I suddenly got this huge headache this morning, its kind of making me feel crappy"

Cameron nodded in response and didn't say anything as they made their way to class.

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully, except that the more hours that passed by  the more agitated Bryn grew just at the sight of someone, anyone.
Anna had asked her how she felt and Bryn had wanted to almost slap her.

The people around her were beginning to annoy her, they were breathing too loudly, walking too slowly, talking too excessively and it was all being unbearable.
She almost felt like she wanted to rip their throats out...

Maybe it was just the fever, maybe thats just it.

Hullo guys, sorry for the late update!! Ive just had theeee biggest writers block so this chapter is fairly short.

I'd just quickly like to mention that I have a joint account with my friend MushyRoomz we will be publishing our story tomorrow on theyseemeroelin so follow for updates and to check out the book :)

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