ch.3 Subtle beauty

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"This is a terrible idea Izaak"

"I don't see why you would think that, it's working perfectly fine"

"Izzy, we are in her fricking wardrobe" Ezra hissed impatiently at his friend who rolled his green eyes at him in response.

"well no shit Sherlock" Izaak whispered as he fiddled around with pieces of clothing that kept falling onto his head from the upper shelves of the wardrobe in which they were currently hiding.

"oh fuck you Watson" Ezra responded in a hasty and annoyed whisper.

Both boys were cramped in a tiny walk-in closet, surrounded by a bunch of clothing that looked like they were just casually thrown into the closet.

"Gods, Angryrainlady needs to clean up her closet" Izaak whispered distastefully as he tossed a dirty sock off his head

"stop using those stupid code names would you?" Ezra muttered, pushing back his black hair as he tried to get a better look of their surrounding, his grey eyes then landed on a pair of eyes that did not belong to Izaak.. they belonged to a cat.

"I don't know what you are talking about, my code name is awesome, because i'm awesomeguy101"

"uh.. Izzy... there's a cat.. next to your leg"

"hm? What? A cat you say? Ezra don't be ridiculou- HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD ITS A BEAST! ITS A MONSTER! ITS A CAT!!"

Ezra smacked Izaak urgently who looked like he was hyperventilating "would you shut up? She's gonna hear us, she isn't deaf you know? Besides its just a cat!"


The cat watched Izaak and its eyes sparkled as if it were amused by Izaak's dramatic hysteria. The cat then turned to look at Ezra and regarded him with a pleasant curiosity

Which was strange because Ezra was sure.. he was certain.. that he hadn't forgotten.. could he have? No... thats not possible.. is it?

"Hey Izaak, did we.. do you think any chance did we forge-"

Suddenly, the door to the closest opened, revealing Bryn, staring into the closet with a determined but scared expression, with a thick encyclopedia raised over her head, ready to attack.

Ezra and Izaak froze.


Bryn had dragged herself out of bed and was looking everywhere for Grimsby, but he was nowhere to be found, Grimsby was a house cat and pretty much despised the outdoors so it was unlikely that he wandered outdoors.

She was starting to feel dizzy from the fever and decided to head back upstairs to her room and get some sleep

but when she got there, she could hear muffled voices in her room making her freeze. She noticed the noise was coming from her closet, her first thought was "Is my wardrobe trying to talk to me?" Which was stupid because.. wardrobes cant do that.. right?

"oh no.. is this one of those times in the horror movie when a ghost pops out from the closet.." Bryn muttered as panic began to work its way through her body

"please don't be a ghost please dont be a ghost" Bryn chanted, grabbing an encyclopedia as a weapon from a book shelf sitting near her bed.

Her heart beat was racing as her trembling hand reached for the door handle "ohmygods im sick, i so do not deserve this..." she muttered to herself

Finally finding the courage to open her closet, she raised her encyclopedia, ready to attack.


Ezra's eyes widened at the sight of Bryn, his eyes rested on her face and suddenly it felt as if all the air had been sucked out of his body

Her curly chestnut brown hair was tied up in the messiest bun he had ever seen, and some curls came loose and fell around her pale heart-shaped face.

She had a set of curious green eyes which held a certain sparkle of their own.

 He noticed that she wore a set of ridiculous pajamas, she was wearing a set of bright orange pajama pants with rubber duckies all over it and a black T-shirt that read "I fart, What's your super power" 

He read the sentence and smiled,

Bryn was the sort of girl that was beautiful in a subtle way, she was not someone whose beauty was a slap in the face.

And there is always something attractive about a person who is beautiful but didn't know it

Maybe that was why when he first saw Bryn face to face,

he was absolutely



Hi guys~ So this was a short chapter. I wanted to show you guys a little insight on Ezra and Izaak I guess :>

hope you guys enjoyed it, and hopefully the next chapter will be longer!!!!


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