ch 1 R.I.P pancakes

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Hi guysss~ so this is ch.1 and uhm I just wanted to apologize for any spelling or grammar mistake~

I will work on fixing them a little later~~~ Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story I guess? I will be updating frequently hopefully so watch out for the notifications! And feel free to comment :>


Bryn Davies dragged herself out of bed on a cold Tuesday morning, complaining about how cruel it was of her parents to have her wake up at 6 in the morning.

She was also contemplating how she was going to tell her history teacher Mr.Balewa, that she had in fact completely forgotten about the 4 paged essay due that very day. Bryn could not exactly think of an excuse since compared to the regular amount of assignments Mr.Balewa liked to torture his students with, a 4 paged essay was a blessing, although of course she would rather have preferred no homework at all. She had absolutely no idea how she had managed to completely forget to do her essay, which was a lie, she did actually know how and why she hadn't been able to finish... or even start her word. PROCRASTINATION. The enemy of all students.

School was not exactly Bryn's most favourite place in the world, actually she didn't really like school except for PE lessons, which for some reason was the only lesson she excelled in and the only lesson she cared about.

Besides PE, she of course adored her friends, they were probably the only reason she even bothered showing up in school aside from her parents, who liked to stuff breakfast in her face and have her out of the house and off to school before you could say twinkle berries ( do not ask me why I chose I the word twinkle berries, it just popped in my mind)

"bore da cariad" Bryn's mother greeted her when she saw Bryn walk down the stairs, dressed in a dark blue shirt that read " Im sorry im late, I didnt want to come" along with a pair of black jeans and a pair of black combat boots.

Bryn had a beautiful, pale, heart shaped face, decorated by unruly brown curls. She had sparkling soft green eyes much like her mother's, set above prominent cheek bones. She had a rather angular face, her features were much like her father's, who at that very moment was busy preparing breakfast, pancakes!!


Mr. Davies turned around, smiling "indeed you do kid, get yourself a plate. Oh and careful, Grimsby seems to be in a specially foul mood today" he warned.

Bryn laughed "no worries, i know deep down in that cold, furry heart of his, he absolutely adores me" she grabbed a plate and made her way towards the counter.

Grimsby hadn't always been such a grumpy cat, when he was just a kitten, he was the most adorable little ball of energy. Actually, it wasn't until the day of Bryn's 15 th birthday that Grimsby had suddenly thrown a tantrum and hissed at Bryn like there was no tomorrow.

He had even gone as far as to use his claws to pop every balloon that had been used to decorate the Davies household in celebration of her birthday. And each time he popped a a balloon, he had made sure Bryn was in the room, he stared right at her each time, extended his claws and popped the balloon, as if he were making a point.

Ever since that day, he had remained a grumpy old cat, although he never really did much harm to anyone, all he did was hiss at Bryn,and some days, if he was in a specially foul mood, he liked to sit on whatever object Bryn had occupied herself with.

Today, being one of those days, Bryn watched as Grimsby slowly climbed on to the table where she had placed her plate of pancakes and was just about to eat,when Grimsby plopped himself down on her warm, soft, freshly made pancake, and stared at her as if daring her to do something about it.

Bryn stared. And stared and stared. At her cat. Who had placed his butt on her beloved pancakes. HER BREAKFAST.HER FIRST MEAL OF THE DAY.

She let out an inhumane groan, as she mourned for her beloved pancakes.

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