Prologue (is this how you spell it?)

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So hi guys~ this kinda my first story. Well not really.. But this is the first one I've published.. Actually thats not true either, i just deleted the old one because it sucked ass. Hopefully this one is better? I'll be updating once per week~ maybe more or maybe less lol I never follow schedules.
There were many times when I, Bryn Davies, simply felt like disappearing from the face of earth. Now do not confuse me for a problematic girl, who has too many worries in the world and is drowning in never ending sorrow.

No, that is not me. I lead a simple life, I have good friends, and come from a family I love very much. I am no damsel in distress, I have no boy or girl problems and everything is completely normal in my life. I have everything I need or want.

I do have a grumpy old cat called Grimsby who likes to express his disappointment in my existence by hissing at me every now and then,

but no, that is not why I wished to disappear from the face of Earth on a regular Tuesday morning. In fact I loved Grimsby very much, despite his many (and by many, i mean MANY) attempts to claw my eyes out of my skull.

My wish to wipe myself out of this world was not me expressing suicidal thoughts either, I had no suicidal tendencies, I had nothing depressing, tormenting or mentally challenging going on in my life, except History lessons and the 10 pages essay (which I had not even started on FYI) i had to hand in , due that very Tuesday when I opened my eyes and wished to disappear into nothingness.

Again, that wasn't the reason either, the reason actually was because I simply felt as if i did not belong, I always had felt as if i was born into the wrong world at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Maybe it was the numerous books I read about magical realms elsewhere, or stories about brave warriors or wizards or elves or evil spirits that drove my imagination wild. Every time I opened a book I found myself slipping into the story and become a part of it , I found myself fighting the very monsters I read about or battling evil warriors, or I found myself walking along the corridors of Hogwarts in my black robes or even battling demons alongside shadowhunters.

The thing however was, these stories that I loved so much left me hollow, they made me want more and more of these adventures. I believed these stories, each and everyone of them. And I desperately wanted to be a part of them.

And on that particular Tuesday morning, as I got up and got dressed for school, still wishing to disappear with that hollow pain in my chest. I did not become a part of those stories, I created my own.

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