Ch.6 Dream

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Authors note:

*if you usually skip these, go ahead lol"

Hi guys, so currently my kitten is running all over my key board and whatnot, he likes to do that every time I get productive.

Anyways, so the last few chapters were kind of short and I guess a little confusing, but wait a little bit~~


"you think she'll be okay?"

"Probably, look Ezra, Im sorry about earlier today I should've stopped when you told me to, I don't know, I thought maybe she could take it, her reaction wasn't as bad as usual, heck she seemed even calmer than you were on your first fear test, so I thou-"

"Don't apologize to me, you know what its like in there for people like us, you of all people should know how traumatizing it is Alaine," Ezra snapped harshly

Alaine gasped and Ezra realized what he had said, he realized the pain his words had triggered and he felt it too.

Izaak gave him a stern look and shook his head "don't"

Ezra turned back to the girl sprawled on a bed, her face still a sickly pale, he remembered her back in the fear test room

She hadn't seemed to realize it but she was crying and struggling, she had looked lost and sickeningly terrified

And it had been heartbreaking to watch, it always is.

"Guys, I don't think this is the way to do it, we're too sudden, and after we put her through that fear test? She's not gonna listen to a word we say, she's going to try and run away" Izaak looked at Bryn and back to Ezra and Alaine

Alaine nodded "I say we take her back to her home and leave her alone for a couple of days, let her gather herself up, its going to take a while for her to forget the fear test.." she trailed off, eyeing Ezra cautiously

"We have to find a more subtle way to break it to her, this can be a little overwhelming she is the last piece to our freedom, we can't lose her, we have to be extra cautious" Ezra said in agreement, he turned to face his two friends
"Whats a subtle way to say '
" we need to take her back"


Bryn cracked open her eyes and groaned immediately, a terrible sense of fear and suffocation ran through her body as she remembered why she had passed out and she immediately wanted to curl herself up and cry all over again, but she had other things to worry about.

She was kidnapped, she didn't know where she was.

It wasn't until five minutes later of panicking did she realize she was back in her own room, she was on her own bed, with the mint green walls and the light purple ceiling with the glow in the dark stars stuck on it.

She sat up groggily and looked around in confusion,

"maybe it was all a nightmare" she mumbled, but she knew better than that, whatever that had happened in that "dream" felt too real.

She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and checked the time "4:50 PM" she saw that Anna had sent a text

Anna: I got the ice-cream and some chips, c ya soon

Bryn: Thank youuuuu~~~

Bryn dragged herself out of bed, still shaking from the "dream" and found Grimsby on the floor, looking at her cautiously

He then did the most unexpected thing ever.

He rubbed himself against her leg and began to purr, and all Bryn could do was stare in surprise

She started feeling almost instantly better as Grimsby continued to purr and looked up at her almost as if he were reassuring her and she smiled, kneeling down to pet him

"hello Grimsby"

In response Grimsby rubbed his head against her hand, practically begging for attention and Bryn almost cried in joy (ok so thats a little dramatic but whatever) her cat hadn't done that in years and it was nice for a change.


This is her storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang