Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1

Start from the beginning

Her mouth opened as she breathed out a chuckle. "I'm gonna take a wild guess... You're the handsome stranger, right?"

Kou leaned forward and pressed a warm kiss on her knuckles. "Kou Mukami, at your service, and that sleeping gentlemen over there is my brother, Yuma Mukami." He pointed out with the nod of his head.

She glanced over her shoulder at a sleeping Yuma. He was laying down on the couch with his eyes close, which only meant he was out cold. The pink-haired girl glanced back at Kou and scoped him out with a curious smile on her lips.

"By any chance, are you Kyo-chan's boyfriend?" Kiko asked flirtatiously. She twirled her ringlet around her fingers.

Kou cheeks reddened as he lowered his head. "Not the slightest bit. Wistfully speaking, her heart lies with another man."

"That's a shame; I was looking forward to getting acquaintance with you –if you were Kyoyo's boyfriend –that is." She flashed him a grin before swaying up the stairs.

He blinked blankly from her statement as she disappeared up the stairs.

The moment Kiko arrived upstairs, she barged into her aunt's room with a grand entrance. "Auntie Chiyo, I'm here! Your favorite adorable niece has finally arrived!"

Kyoyo shuddered at the annoying sound of her cousin's voice, and then she groaned in frustration before turning to glare at her. "When the hell did you get here?"

"About five minutes ago," Kiko answered while walking further inside. "Why, did you miss me?"

Before Kyoyo could open her mouth to answer in a negative fashion, Kiko rushed over to her aunt's side of the bed and embraced her warmly. "I missed you so much auntie!"

Chiyo smiled over her shoulder. "I missed you too, Kiko. How's your father?"

"He's good... He and my mother will be here this weekend, and they can't wait to see you and Kyo-chan."

"I can't wait to see him too, it's been a few years since I've last saw my older brother," Chiyo reminded.

Kiko stood up from the bed and smiled with a hand on her aunt shoulder. "I know he can't wait to see you either."

"If they're coming this weekend then why did you come with them," Kyoyo questioned suspiciously.

Kiko slowly gazed at her cousin with a cheerful smile and responded "To see you silly! I missed my favorite little cousin so much!" She leaned over the bed at the speed of lightning and pulled Kyoyo into a bone crushing hug around the neck.

Kyoyo gasped for air and tried to wrench away from her older cousin. "Let go of me! I never gave you permission to hug me! And you're only older than me by one year, big deal!"

Kiko cradled her cousin's neck in her arms. "Oh, Kyo-chan, you haven't changed a bit! I can fix that."

Chiyo giggled to herself. Every time Kyoyo and Kiko got together, they'd immediately bumped heads. Chiyo assumed because they were cousins that it was normal for the two to fight and argue all the time. She also thought that it was their way of showing affection to one another. Boy, was she about to find out differently.

Aiko woke up in a daze on a glorious morning and stretched her arms out far enough to reach the ceiling. When taking a look around the room, she realized the Reiji was no longer in bed with her. In fact, he was nowhere in sight. She lifted the cozy blanket and sheets off the lower half of her body, swung her legs over to the side and got out of bed.

She walked over to the large bay window and stared at the scenery outside. On that day, Reiji would reveal his present to her. Was she excited? Not exactly, excited was an understatement. She was more ecstatic and beyond. This was the first time he had ever done anything for her. So it was sort of a huge deal and the next step in their relationship.

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