Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2

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"What are you fellas talking about, hmm?" Nora questioned with her hand was on her hip.

"Eh," Ryuu looked from Shu and Karl before he finally decided to answer his wife. "We were discussing our children future, dear."

Nora eye twitched while she tried to maintain a smile on her face. "What am I, the invisible woman? How dare you discuss our daughter's future without me being presence in the room, Ryuu!" She stammered. "I WAS IN LABOUR WITH REINA FOR 36 HOURS AND I DEMAND SOME RESPECT, YOU UNGRATEFUL HUMAN BEING!"

Ryuu shrunk to the floor when looking at his wife with a terrified look.

Karl stood up from the couch and took a bow. "My deepest apologies, ma'am, it was I who brought up the subject of marriage."

"MARRIAGE," Reina blurted out accidentally.

The vampire king narrowed his eyes up at her and lifted his head. "Yes... Does the subject make you feel uncomfortable, my dear?"

The brunette looked down and blushed deeply. "W-Well I... I don't really know."

Shu interruptedly stood up from the couch and proclaimed "Father, can I talk to you in private, please." He didn't give his father a chance to reply, so instead he led him out to the front of the house.

"This better be urgent, my son."

Shu turned around and glared at him. "How could you do this to me?"

The elder vampire arched his eyebrow. "How could I do what, son?"

"Don't act dense, old man! I'm one step ahead of you," he retorted rashly. "This is my girlfriend's family..." Shu jabbed his index finger at the house behind him. "And I will not have you ruin them, like how you and mother ruined me!"

Karl sighed and shook his head. "Who said I was here to ruin them? I only came here to check up on you and Laito, since the both of you haven't been home in almost two weeks."

"You could've called first," Shu told him flat out.

This made his father chuckle. "You silly boy, you never carried a cell phone a day in your life! I'm still dumbfounded that you can even pick up the landline when I call."

Shu turned his back to him. "Then maybe I should get cell phone. So I can avoid such unwanted measures from taking place again."

Everything went silent for the next 10 seconds before Karl opened his mouth again. "She can't stay mortal forever, Shu. Eventually, you'll have to turn her into a vampire before her child is born."

He huffed. "I know what I have to do and I don't need you to tell me either."

The vampire king nodded once. "Splendid! I'm assuming you also know every rule of the underworld as well."

"What do you mean... every rule?" Shu narrowed his eyes at him.

"As sad as this sound, son –when you and Reina decide to leave this place, she'll have to end all ties with her family and never see them again." His father explained in a sorrowful tone.

Shu thought he was going to tumble over after hearing his father spat nonsense.

Karl smirked in an optimistic manner. "Yet, I'm sure you already knew that."

"Shu," said a soft voice near the entrance of the house. He glanced over at the front door where he saw Reina waving at him from. "Sorry to intrude, are you gentlemen done over there? We have some things to discuss," she asked in a respectful manner.

Shu couldn't help but noticed the huge smile that was plastered on her face.

"Pity, I wonder how Reina will take the news when you tell here," Karl spoke with an expressionless face.

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