Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I pretty sure it wasn't Shu-kun." Nora said, narrowing her eyes at her husband. "How could you, Ryuu? How could you go out and buy all this stuff without telling me? We don't even know if Reina's having a boy!"

"From what Shu told me, there are only boys in his family," Reina's father informed his wife proudly.

"So what?! Just because there are only boys in his family doesn't mean he'll carry on the tradition too," Nora retorted. "What if it's a girl?"

"I doubt that, hun! I have faith that Champ will have a boy."

"Oh really," his wife sharply responded back. "You think you have it all figured out, do you?"

In the meantime, Shu silently snuck over to his pregnant girlfriend and entwined their fingers together as he led the brunette upstairs to her bedroom. When they arrived to her door, the blond turned the knob and nudged the door open. Reina slowly walked in and turned around when she suddenly heard the door click close.

"Finally, we're alone," Reina exclaimed happily.

Before Shu had the chance to protest, her lips were already on his. The softness of her lips nearly made him melt against the door frame. The impact coming from that one kiss impelled his eyes to roll to the back of his head. Reina's hands moved to cuff his face and prompted Shu to close his eyes afterwards.

The brunette was in control from that moment on, she knew what she was doing and she didn't care where they were doing it. Nothing was going to stop her, not even her parents who were probably looking for them right there and then.

"Mm," Shu moaned. "You seem urgently happy to see me," he gaped out against her lips.

"Yes, it came as a surprise to me too. Now take this off." Reina demanded as she ripped her lips away from his and recklessly tugged the hem of his shirt up.

"Little bit, slow down." Shu calmly spoke.

"I can't! We have a least 5 more minutes to spare before my parents come looking for us... So let's make this quick." She pulled him towards her bed, and grabbed a handful of his hair as they fell back on the bed.

"Look, I don't think we should do it," he immediately blurted out.

"Why the hell not," Reina inhaled before releasing a breath she held inside. Her face was flushed and her chest rise and dropped rapidly.

Shu quirked an eyebrow, "Believe it or not, I want to make a good impression on your parents. This is still their home, Reina. So how does it look, you and I having sex while your parents are still downstairs, huh?"

Reina frowned at her boyfriend as she picked up a pillow and hit him with it. "You're no fun! My father interrogated you, didn't he?"

"Yes he did," her boyfriend confessed. "This is the 5th time he had 'the talk' with me."

She bat her eyelids with her mouth slightly parted open. "The talk, you say?"

The blonde vampire nodded. "Uh-huh, he worried about you. I think it's because I'm older and his 17-year-old daughter pregnant... It's obvious that he felt like it was his fault for leaving you alone."

"But it wasn't his fault, it was mine! I'm the one to blame here!"

The vampire shook his head. "He left his daughter alone for almost a year to go on a business trip. Any decent parent would've felt like they were at fault for leaving their child to fend for themselves. So just be happy that your father cherishes you. He loves you."

Her cheeks were tinted pink as she looked away. "I'm happy... I'm even more happier now since you and I got back together. The first half of the month was really difficult for me... I even thought about running -"

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