QOTD: Favorite sports/teams???
AOTD: I love rugby and obviously my favs are England and South Africa.. lol


"Are you ready?" Jim asked as he fidgeted with the camera. Because of the height difference the camera angle had been giving him a hard time the past ten minutes and since Tanya was at a meeting for her makeup line she couldn't help.

You thought of it as quite amusing. It had been five days since the little quarrel with Jim and you were still angry. Well, more confused actually. No one spoke about him unless asked and if they were asked they would try their best to brush it off and change topic.

You knew there was no point in trying to get others to talk about him, so you took it into your own hands.

A few nights ago you got onto YouTube and typed 'Joe' into the search bar, you still didn't know his full name so you went off of the information you already had.

It was no surprise that with such a vague search term you would get vague responses. The first thing to show was a VeVo music video for some 'rapper wanna be'. The scrolling continued until you spotted, wedged between another music video and an interview for Trump, a channel called 'ThatcherJoe'.

You clicked on the link in no time which led you to his channel. It was meticulously organised into categories and it made you smile for some reason.

You decided to watch some of his more popular videos. They made you laugh harder than you thought possible which then left you confused because how could someone so closed off and, truthfully, rude, create something so.... positive.

You came back from your thoughts when Jim asked, "Could you do me a favor and look at the lens so I can focus it please?"

You did as you were told and seconds later he was next to you ready to film.

It was a simple sibling game of Truth or Dare. All the questions came from his followers on twitter. It's incredible how fast these people respond. He had posted the tweet literally (A/N dan howell voice...jk, I;m sorry I had to. not the belt mom.) fifteen minutes ago and there were already hundreds upon thousands of tweets back.

As the video went on Jim told the story of how he lost his virginity. You never wanted to un-know something so bad. You also told some embarrassing stories, but the best was the last dare and it was to hit Jim as hard as you could with a fry pan. Of course that was a bit too far so you both agreed on a good slap to the face with some whipped cream.

Jim ended his video with his face covered in the cream and you laughing in the middle of a laugh attack.

"You got- a litt-le something right- there..." It was hard to get your words out because you were laughing so much.

"Oh you think this is funny do you?" Jim asked and you knew what was up. He reached his hand up to his cheek and wiped the whip cream off and quickly smudged it across your face. You kinda deserved it so you let him do it.

"Go take a shower.." you said, turning to walk to the kitchen.

"Alright." He mumbled, "Can I trust you not to burn down the house for ten minutes?" He yelled at you. "I'll try!" You called back.

Limerence {Joe Sugg • Reader Fanfic} Where stories live. Discover now