ELLO MATE ( don't hate me)

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So this is the intro thingy that everyone does... if you are here because you used to read my imagines then..

But if you don't know me then I guess I should tell you my name is Kyrsten

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But if you don't know me then I guess I should tell you my name is Kyrsten.*GASSSPPP* "YOU MEAN YOUR NAME ISN'T ACTUALLY THATGIRLEHOWRITES01!!!?!"

JK JK...unless you are actually stupid.

I quite liked writing in 2nd person so that's the goal for this entire book. That's right, you heard me correctly.. this book is basically one huge imagine! *prays that people will actually like it*

This book will not only be in 2nd person but it will have GIFS to go along with the story, as if it were actually happening.

Summer starts at 2:45 tomorrow so this book will be my #1 priority, you know besides breathing and food and stuff

Oh also you guys will be able to help with the plot so at the end of important chapters where there is a big decision that needs to be made I'll ask you guys to chose between a couple options and the one most voted for will be how it plays out

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Oh also you guys will be able to help with the plot so at the end of important chapters where there is a big decision that needs to be made I'll ask you guys to chose between a couple options and the one most voted for will be how it plays out.

Here is a key in case you guys haven't read in 2nd person or have never read an imagine:

Y/N- your name
Y/F/N- your full name
Y/E/C- your eye color
Y/H/C- your hair color
I'm sure you guys can figure it out, yeah?

Alright well let's get on with it

Alright well let's get on with it

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