Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #1

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(okay so pleeeease ignore how stupid i was in the beginning of this story. lol sorry bout that:D)

ok, so like, im rrllleeeeee into big time rush rite now and im rrllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee rrrleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee into carlos. haha. the main characters name is lindsay, thats me, and my best friends name is ben, just like real life! so anyway, i started postin videos on youtube (in the story) and became famous. i moved 2 the palm woods with my best bud ben and you'll find out more if you read!!! so pleeez give it a chance. i no my last story was horrible and ill admit tht. but pleez read! thnx!

Lindsay's p.o.v.

I was sitting on a lounge chair next to my best friend Ben at the Palm Woods pool.

How did I get here?I'll tell you.

A few months ago, I started singing in front of Ben in my room. I had forgotten that Ben had never heard me sing before, so he was really surprised. He told me that I was really good and convinced me to make youtube videos just like Justin Bieber. He helped me shoot the first one and i kept on doing more and more!

Before I knew it, the videos had over 1 million hits!

Then one day, a guy named Gustavo called me and signed me in my first recording contract! Me and Ben moved to the Palm Woods and that's how I'm here now.

Anyway, we were both just sitting there sun-bathing, getting a tan, and watching people jump in the pool and do cool tricks.

"I love this place. This is one of the coolest things that could happen to anyone!" Ben told me.

"So true", I replied. Just then, I saw four guys step out of the hotel and into the pool area.

These guys were HOT.

The first one I saw had brown hair, brown eyes, and a cute smile. The second had light brown justin bieber-ish hair, and had brown eyes like the first one, but this one was a little more tan. The third had blond hair, and a mix between light brown and brown eyes. He was the tallest of the group. The last guy I saw was extremelyhot! He was definitely the hottest of the group.

When he stepped out into the light, he had short, dark brown hair that he jelled up a little in the front. His eyes were dark brown. They reminded me of my dog, Halie's eyes that were really adorable. His skin was darker than the others'. The only weird thing about him was that he was wearing a black hockey helmet and none of the others were. And they were clearly not playing hockey either.

Actually, they all had bathing suits on and had pool noodles. They chased eachother around the pool and started pushing eachother in the water. The first to get pushed in by the blond guy was the one with justin bieber hair. Next was the blond by the one with cute smile. The only two left was the one with a cute smile, and the really hot one.

The hot one with the helmet faked him out and the smiley one dodged but didn't get the hot one in time. The smokin hot boy pushed the cute smiling boy in, and smiled a really big smile.

Ok, I thought he looked hot before, but compared to right now, there was a really big difference. Then, all of a sudden he yelled, "Wooh hooooo!", and then did a front flip into the pool, but not before removing his helmet, and then jumping.

They all came up for air and laughed.

"Woah",I said to Ben.

"What? Oh my god Lindsay, really?!"

Ben said that wayyyy too loudly, because right then, the hot guy in the pool with his friends looked up at me and Ben.

First, he looked at Ben and then he looked at me. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He said something to his friends that I couldn't hear, and then they all looked my way. I blushed and looked at Ben and said, "Those guys are really hot!"

He smirked and rolled his eyes, then put his sun glasses back on and layed back on the lounge chair again.

I laughed to myself and then looked back at the pool to see the guys. They weren't in the pool. There was just their noodles and a few little kids with their moms. I started to look around the pool area and turned my head to the right. They were standing right next to me and it made me jump. Ben noticed me jump and took off his glasses and sat up.

"What is i-". He noticed the four guys standing next to me. "Oh. Ummm... hi. I'm Ben" he said to them.

Carlos's p.o.v.

"Haha" me and the guys laughed. We just had a pool noodle fight and I won. We were all floating and laughing in the pool when I heard a guy say, "What? Oh my god Lindsay, really?!" He said it really loudly and I turned to look at him. He was looking at the girl next to him that I am assuming was Lindsay. She was looking right at me. I looked back.

She was really pretty.

Her hair was a light golden brown and her eyes were blue. Her smile was really cute and her body was really hot. I turned to the guys who were still laughing and said, "Yo. Kendall, James, and Logan. Look at the hot chick next to that kid." I turned back to Lindsay and the boy next to her and the guys followed my gaze. I saw Lindsay blush and look away at the boy.

I swam to the edge of the pool and got out, followed by Logan, Kendall, and then James. We all grabbed towels and quickly dried ourselves off. We walked over to the boy and Lindsay. She turned towards the pool, and then towards us, and jumped. The boy saw her and asked, "What is i-". He looked at us. "Oh. Ummm... hi. I'm Ben."

Kendall was the first to speak. "Hi. I'm Kendall. And this is James, Logan, and C-"

I cut him off. "Carlos", I said smiling. Kendall was always introducing us these days. I wanted to introduce myself for once.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you" I said offering my hand to Ben. He shook it and then I looked at the girl I thought was Lindsay. "And it's nice to meet you too", I said kindly, offering my hand to her too.

She smiled and blushed again, and then took my hand. "Hello. I'm Lindsay. It's nice to meet you too, Carlos." We released hands and she looked at the other guys.

Kendall's p.o.v.

She said hi to Carlos and looked at the rest of us. She stood and said, "It's also nice to meet you guys." She looked at me and said, "Hi..... ummmm....Logan?"

"Kendall", I corrected kindly.

"Oh. Sorry, Kendall"

"I'm Logan", Logan spoke up when she looked at him. She smiled and replied, "Hi, Logan."

"And I'm James. And may I say that if I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put 'u' and 'i' together". James. He's always such a ladies man/player.

"Hi." Lindsay said.

I have to admit, it was really annoying how she only rememberedCarlos's name. Oh, well. She was still hot.


Hi! Sorry it's kinda short, but, yeah. I hope you liked it! Next chapter will be out either today or in the next few days! Message me what you think and rate, please!

Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #1Where stories live. Discover now