T h i r t y- T h r e e

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After he left, I felt like a mess of emotions. Why did he get so angry every time he looked at me? I just don't understand. He said he feels weird in his stomach and heart but that still doesn't explain much to me. He doesn't like me that way now does he? Of course not!

I walked towards the double doors and slid down them slowly while sobbing. I felt like a glob of mixed up emotions and I knew I was. I was terrible. I buried my face in my knees and hugged them tightly. I knew coming here was a bad idea. However, he did tell me that he forgave me which must mean something.

"Does he really forgive me?" I asked myself out loud. I was glad no one was around to see me like this. I lifted my head up and dried my tears. I wasn't going to allow myself to become this way. He is going to talk to me one way or another.

I got up and stretched my legs and arms before wiping away left over tears. I pulled the doors open and jogged down the stairs. I had to be careful to not trip since the crying made my vision a little blurry.

'Stupid clear contacts!' I mentally fussed them.

I walked past the corner that we hid behind to spy on Scorpio and I even passed by his locker to see if he were still there. Sadly, he wasn't.

"Ugh I'm too late!" I face palmed myself a little too hard by accident.
I was such an idiot. But a crumpled piece of paper sticking out of the locker door caught my eye. I walked closer to his locker and looked around nervously to see if anyone was looking.

I didn't want any of his locker buddies telling Scorpio I was snooping around. I don't mean to be this way. And I don't mean to pry so much. I just want to know why. He hasn't given me an explanation and believe me I know this is so wrong on so many levels.

I reached for the paper and snatched it in my hands. It was too late to turn back now.

It was sort of crumpled up. I tried my best to smooth it out as much as I possibly could. There were words that I could barely make out due to the handwriting and a small drawing. It was similar to my drawing that I had drawn in art class the day Scorpio stopped talking to me.

The same boy and girl. Only it was better than mine. It looked like he had actually took his time. I on the other hand didn't when I drew it.

I looked closer and squinted my eyes for a better view. It read:

To Pisces. I forgive you. I'm sorry I overreacted. But I just can't talk to you anymore. Somethings up with me and I need to figure it out before we can really be friends again. I'm really sorry.

- Scorpio

I couldn't tell you how many times I reread the note over and over again. It wasn't real. No way. Just what was up with him? Why didn't he give me this? Why did he crumple it up? So many questions left unanswered. Only Scorpio would know. And he wasn't talking.

I sighed heavily and folded up the note and placed it in my dress pocket. I was determined to find out what was up with Scorpio. Even if that meant giving him some space for a while. I wanted so badly for us to become friends again. So what could have possibly been holding him back?

Making Senpai Notice Me (Pisces x Scorpio)Where stories live. Discover now