Reaper x Reader; Courage

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Requested by @NataliaFraczak

Hope you enjoy ^_^

It was the best kind of weather outside. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, and the perfect breeze. Just a wonderful day for you to sit inside your room with the blinds closed and watch trash videos while you eat unhealthy but delicious snacks.

As you wrap yourself in a blanket, you wonder what you should watch today. Suddenly, something from the shadows grabs you. Being the brave person you are, you just let it happen.

Apparently you were teleported to some other dark place.

"Impressive. Almost darker than my room. Lose the band posters though." You say casually.

"What? No, aren't you afraid or something? Do you even know who I am?" A person said behind you.

You turn around and smirk. "Oh yeah, you're Reaper. Or Gabriel Reyes if that's what you want me to call you."

He seemed slightly annoyed at your attitude. Gabriel sighed and facepalmed.

"Whatever! Let's just get to the point. I'm going to take your soul." He said.

"I have no soul."


The next thing you knew, he pulled out his phone and seemed to be calling someone.

"Hello, Jack?" He said to the phone.

"What do you want, scum?"

"How can you live with this girl, Y/N?"

"I don't." Reyes growled with even more annoyance than before. He hung up and threw his phone on the floor. He started mumbling which didn't amuse you one bit.

You pulled off his owl-like mask, and put it on yourself.

"Look! Am I an edge lord yet? Wait hold on let's go to Hot Topic!" I mimic and laugh.

At this point, Gabriel was enraged but before he could do anything or anything to you, you put your lips on his. He seemed extremely surprised, but for some reason he didn't pull back.

When you let go of your grip on him, you snicker.

"How's that?" You put your hands on your hips.

"Y-You''re.." He starts, looking away before he could finish.

"What? Annoying? A little brat? I know, it's real funny when-"



Now, that coming from Reyes' was absolutely jaw-dropping. I don't think he's ever said something that kind before.

"W-Wow..." You exclaim and hug him. This time, he was a little more conscious and teleported you back to your room.

"Stay with me longer.." You whine. Reyes strokes your hair and kisses your forehead. He puts his mask on and leaves without a word. I guess he's not the type of guy to get into romance.

Turning around, you see an astonished Soldier 76 at the door to your room.

"" You stutter in embarrassment. For the first time, 76 laughs. Reyes appears behind him and wacks his head.

"Shut up, old man." He says in his deep rough voice and disappears again.

"You never told me he was like this." I say to 76.

"You never told me you likes edgy guys." He says, still trying to hold in his laughter,

You blush but smile to the thought.

Thanks for reading!

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