Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected

Start from the beginning

"You think so," He questionably smirked at her. "Maybe it's because I just got finish finding every spots on your body that makes you squirm and scream with my tongue. Which is bizarre, because I never knew a woman could have so many."

Mayu blushed hard. "Subaru, please...You always know the right things to say to me."

He suddenly lifted his chin from her shoulder and looked away. "Not always...You were quite mad at me a few days go."

"Well that's in the past now. We are better now than we ever were before."

"You're right," He turned her around in his arms. "I think it's time to start a new. Just the two of us."

Mayu tilted her head to the side. "You mean like move out together?"

He shook his head. "Not exactly...but that can happen somewhere down the line."

"So what did you exactly mean by start a new?"

"For starters, we can take trips together, just you and me. Who knows, somewhere down the line we can get engaged and get married. Those are just some ideas I can think of." He said with his eyes everywhere else but on her.

Mayu gasped. "A-are this a proposal? Do you want to get married?!"

"That's not what I meant," He mumbled before looking into her ocean blue eyes. "I mean, someday I'd like to, if that okay with you."

"Of course I want to," She immediately replied back with her fingers intertwined with his. "It's always been my dream to have a huge wedding with all my friends and family there."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now," he chuckled. "At least, we can try to get through the first couple years together."

She cheerfully smiled at him. "All right. That's sounds like a plan."

"And Mayu, we need a new bed. It kind of broke when know."

Mayu redden. "And who fault is that?"

"I guess I'll have Reiji order us a new one." he blushed while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I can't argue with that." she sighed.

Aiko lay back on the sofa flipping through an interested book that she found in the Sakamaki home. She knew Reiji didn't tolerate people snooping around, especially when it came to his personal stuff. However, she became rather curious when she came across a particular book that was in his room.

This book caught her eye right away. It had resourceful information about every well-known vampire hunter that ever lived. She wondered how her boyfriend got access to this kind of information. Did he know that much about vampire hunters? When she first came to his home, he knew right all the back that she was one of them. It still amazed her how nothing got pass the four eye bloodsucker.

When going down the page, Aiko came across the name Seiji Komori and her mouth dropped. She had no idea that Yui's father was a vampire hunter. Yeah, she knew that he was a priest, but a vampire hunter? Something was extremely odd.

"How can this be?" she mouthed.

"What are you doing," asked a formal voice.

Aiko quickly hid book under the sofa. "Nothing! Why do you ask?"

Reiji suspicious raised his eyebrow. "Is that so?" He slowly walked towards her. "Why do I get the feeling that I'm being lied to?"

She sighed. "Oh, come on darling. Would I ever lie to you?" She responded with a flirtatious smile.

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